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  1. abaralnek

    29g biocube light bulbs?

    guys where can i find the stock bulbs for the 29g biocube?ive been to the lfs's and nothing.been looking online and cant seem to find them either.
  2. abaralnek

    How to get clowns to host

    my true percs have been hosting in my frogspawn for the past week or first i thought it was really cool,but now i wish they would stop.before they would swim all around the tank and actually entertain they just rest in the frogspawn and do nothing lol..
  3. abaralnek

    true perc or occelaris,which to get?

    thanks guys.its kinda funny how when i first added them to the tank they went right into the frogspawn as seen in the pic.they stayed for 10 seconds or so and havent been near it since.
  4. abaralnek

    whats on my turbo snail

    i dont have a cycled qt tank yet.i set a 10gallon up the other day but its not cycled.
  5. abaralnek

    true perc or occelaris,which to get?

    here is a pic
  6. abaralnek

    true perc or occelaris,which to get?

    i ended up getting a couple of true percs.they are great.
  7. abaralnek

    whats on my turbo snail

    you nailed it just pluck them off my turbo and then there is nothing to worry about?
  8. abaralnek

    whats on my turbo snail

    the shells look just like cerith shells only white and alot smaller..
  9. abaralnek

    whats on my turbo snail

    no go henry.i just picked one off the turbo and im going to say they are baby snails.there is a hole in the shell which is hard and something slimy was at the opening.
  10. abaralnek

    whats on my turbo snail

    there might be a opening up against the shell of the turbo but i cant tell.
  11. abaralnek

    whats on my turbo snail

    im going to say no on that.these look just like a small shell,not like a tube type thing.they are all together turbo does have a couple feather dusters on him but im unsure on these things.
  12. abaralnek

    whats on my turbo snail

    sorry guys no pics yet as my camera stopped working.i just noticed on my turbo snail there are 6 or more tiny little almost spiraled shell looking things.any ideas?
  13. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    thanks henry!!i really appreciate it..
  14. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    here is a updated pic with some new frags and my true perc clowns.
  15. abaralnek

    Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?

    looking really good henry
  16. abaralnek

    acan id??

    woops i forgot the pic..
  17. abaralnek

    acan id??

    hey ppl!!i picked this acan up for real cheap has 7 or 8 heads on it that i can see,anybody know what its called if anything??
  18. abaralnek

    Which Company Makes the Best 29g Nano Tanks?

    havent had any trouble with my biocube
  19. abaralnek

    bio 29 reef

    how about some acans?looks nice by the way.