Search results

  1. jmill

    What should I do?

    I have been maintaining a 14G BC for just over two years. Today I was looking at some online classifieds and came across this: 135 gallon reef tank 130lbs live rock oak stand and hood VHO lighting Skimmer UV sterilizer 1 tang 2 clowns 2 misc fish (he couldn't remember the name some...
  2. jmill

    Bad news for halide users!!

    Originally Posted by PEZenfuego Crazy people dance on the water. I agree with Flower. Unless a law is passed or people decide to follow this man's socioeconomic trend, MH is here to stay. I do believe that one day MH will be obsolete as far as aquarium lighting goes. That day will not occur...
  3. jmill

    What to feed my conch

    I got a conch about 2 or 3 weeks ago and he has done an impressive job of cleaning up my sandbed. But now I am worried it is going to starve because there is nothing (nothing visible anyways) left for him to eat. What should I feed him to keep him alive and cleaning?
  4. jmill

    Candy cane coral work in stock Biocube 14g???

    Just looking at the 1/2 price candy cane coral and wondering how it would do in my stock 14g Bio Cube??? Would they do good or is this a bad idea??? 1/2 price: candy cane
  5. jmill

    Sumfing ate my polyps????

    Not meaning to hi-jack your thread uneverno But I am wondering if all hermit crabs a risk to corals such as zoos?
  6. jmill

    w00t! I have achieved PM status!

    Congrats!!!! So I had heard about this PM status. I have never tried to PM but it looks like I can. Maybe I will try!
  7. jmill

    Anyone out there from Southeast Idaho?

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Southeast Idaho, Human population: 23 I doubt it, you are it kid. Originally Posted by reefraff The census doesn't count the gofer, pack rat and 3 crows that live there. Population 20 This must be why they call Pocatello Poca-hell-whole!
  8. jmill

    Anyone out there from Southeast Idaho?

    Originally Posted by ruaround i am in Meridian... Looking for those in SOUTHEAST IDAHO. Meridian is a good 4hrs away. Within an hour or so of POCATELLO. Just looking to network so that we could trade frags and stuff.
  9. jmill

    New Zoas not opening anymore

    So it only gets worse!!! The frag I got was a small rock with green zoos and then a smaller rock ( and I mean small) of red zoos glued to the rock with the green zoos. So I went to do the iodine treatment and I found that one of my hermits had busted the frag of red zoos off and was picking at...
  10. jmill

    New Zoas not opening anymore

    Originally Posted by nissan577 lol. when you first bought them what type of light were they under? and how was the flow? They were in a frag tank under MHs. I'm not sure about the flow, it was a shallow (maybe 12") tank 36X36 square with one inlet. So I guess I would say medium flow.
  11. jmill

    New Zoas not opening anymore

    Thanks for the info. If I put them back at the top of the tank will this be too much light for them? I wouldn't think so but I am a newb!
  12. jmill

    New Zoas not opening anymore

    Originally Posted by nissan577 dip them in iodine. that always help. Like straight iodine or iodine supplement for your tank??
  13. jmill

    New Zoas not opening anymore

    I bought a small frag with about 17 zoas a week ago. The day after I bought them they opened up nice and full. The day after that not so much. Now thry pretty much stay closed all the time. I have a 14 gallon bio cube with stock lights and had placed them about 3 inches below the surface. After...
  14. jmill

    New Zoas not opening anymore

    I bought a small frag with about 17 zoas a week ago. The day after I bought them they opened up nice and full. The day after that not so much. Now thry pretty much stay closed all the time. I have a 14 gallon bio cube with stock lights and had placed them about 3 inches below the surface...
  15. jmill

    Anyone out there from Southeast Idaho?

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Southeast Idaho, Human population: 23 I doubt it, you are it kid. CMON, population has got to be at least 25!
  16. jmill

    Anyone out there from Southeast Idaho?

    Looking for saltwater junkies that live in southeast Idaho. Chime in if you are close by!!!
  17. jmill

    Why does condi stay all shriveled up??

    The tank has been up for 3 months now. The anemone has been in the tank for about a week. I have a bio cube 14 with compact florescent lights.
  18. jmill

    Why does condi stay all shriveled up??

    So, my Florida Condi will shrivel up really small at nights when the lights are off. But after the lights are on it expands to its normal size. Well today when I got home it was still all shriveled up and is still that way tonight even though the lights have been on all day. Any thoughts????
  19. jmill

    Whats the difference????

    Is that really the only difference?
  20. jmill

    Whats the difference????

    What are the differences between the Florida Condi Anemone and the Pink Tip Haitian Anemone? If the main difference is color is that the only difference? I ask because I don't know which one I have. The two kinds look very similar to me. The anemone I have has the white tenticals but no...