New Zoas not opening anymore


I bought a small frag with about 17 zoas a week ago. The day after I bought them they opened up nice and full. The day after that not so much. Now thry pretty much stay closed all the time. I have a 14 gallon bio cube with stock lights and had placed them about 3 inches below the surface. After they stopped opening up I moved them to the bottom of the tank thinking they were getting too much light.
All my params are good. What do you think the problem is????


Active Member
I use Lugol's. Most times I give them a shock treatment of some tank water, 4-5 drops of Lugos and then 2-3 drops of Flatworm Exit. Keep them there for a while and shaking them around a few times to be sure that if any hitchikers are on, they will fall off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
I use Lugol's. Most times I give them a shock treatment of some tank water, 4-5 drops of Lugos and then 2-3 drops of Flatworm Exit. Keep them there for a while and shaking them around a few times to be sure that if any hitchikers are on, they will fall off.
she answered you there

i get a small cup of my tank water and add the iodine to it and leave it for a while.


Thanks for the info.
If I put them back at the top of the tank will this be too much light for them? I wouldn't think so but I am a newb!


Originally Posted by nissan577
lol. when you first bought them what type of light were they under? and how was the flow?
They were in a frag tank under MHs. I'm not sure about the flow, it was a shallow (maybe 12") tank 36X36 square with one inlet. So I guess I would say medium flow.


Active Member
It might be that they're not happy being moved as well. I got some about a week ago myself. Put them in the tank they opened up almost immediately. Moved the rock next morning, and it's taken them about 5 days to start showing signs of opening again. Same situation w/ an Orange Ric.
They look fine otherwise - I'm sure they're just mad at me for redecorating.


So it only gets worse!!!
The frag I got was a small rock with green zoos and then a smaller rock ( and I mean small) of red zoos glued to the rock with the green zoos.
So I went to do the iodine treatment and I found that one of my hermits had busted the frag of red zoos off and was picking at the rock (it didn't look like he was picking at the zoos) so now these already stressed zoos were upside down in the sand bed. I didn't have any glue on hand so I placed this small piece up on a rock where I thought it would be safe.
This morning the piece with the red zoos is nowhere to be found.