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  1. sdusky

    Damsel Tank

    Try a clown fish or a Tang that is larger than the Trigger. I have a Huma Huma and the Clown fish bullies him around. People also told me not to get a cleaner shrimp with a trigger fish. And guess what? The Trigger was one of the first to back into the shrimps cleaner station and get a good...
  2. sdusky

    Huma Huma & Cleaner Shrimp??

    added the fire shrimp last night to the tank and with in 15mins it had set up a cleaning station and was cleaning everybody. The Huma Huma got into the action and took a turn. No problems!!
  3. sdusky

    Huma Huma & Cleaner Shrimp??

    Thanks to all. The Huma Huma is still very small, and maybe if the shrimp is big enough he will leave it alone for awhile. If not, nothing like a good shrimp dinner
  4. sdusky

    Huma Huma & Cleaner Shrimp??

    How likely is it that my Huma Huma Trigger will eat a cleaner shrimp if I added one to my tank?? Any thoughts are helpful.
  5. sdusky

    72 gal bow front?

    I have had my 72 gal bow front for 3 yrs and my parents had it 8 before giving it to me. Never had a problem. Tank looks great , and is holding more LR than ever before.
  6. sdusky

    Brooklynella? I need help!

    here are two more! the clown picture is very sad. the clown has a coating on him, which is peeling off. they are both in the qt. They are very stressed at this point!
  7. sdusky

    Brooklynella? I need help!

    here is a picture of the YT in the qt. he is very stressed at this point and I do not think the picture does my problem justice.
  8. sdusky

    Brooklynella? I need help!

    A good photo is not going to happen! i have been messing with the tanks so much trying to figure this out the fish hide as soon as they see me. i just moved the clown to my qt tank with copper safe. He was not going to make it threw the night, if I did not do anything! he was laying on the...
  9. sdusky

    Brooklynella? I need help!

    Beth, my water readings are: NO3-40 NO2- 0 AMMONIA-0 PH-7.6 SG- 1.010 Yes I have looked at all of the pictures in the Diseased Fish Topic. I am still having trouble pin pointing what it is. My yellow tangs fins are now showing signs of looking shredded. My Clown is not doing good. it looks like...
  10. sdusky

    Brooklynella? I need help!

    Has anybody tried LIFEGUARD tablets with HaloShield by instant ocean?
  11. sdusky

    Brooklynella? I need help!

    Well what I thought was ICK might not be. My Kole tang died last week due to what I thought was ick at first but then started to look much worse. And now my Cinnamon clown looks like he has Brooklynella and my Yellow tang looks like he has white stuff on his fins and body. The tang's problem...
  12. sdusky

    Hypo and LR?? HELP!!

    Well my live rock is out of my tank and doing well in a newly set up QT tank. My SG in my display tank has been at1.014 for two days and to my suprise my Kole & Yellow Tangs ick seems to be getting a little better. I am going to drop my SG to 1.009 this weekend. The HYPO seems be working. Last...
  13. sdusky

    Hypo and LR?? HELP!!

    I am going to set up a 45gal QT tonight. I am going to treat the fish in my main tank. Should I wait a day before adding the LR to the QT tank? What substrate should I use in the QT? I just do not want to waste a lot of time because I really do not want to lose my tangs! I dropped my SG a little...
  14. sdusky

    Hypo and LR?? HELP!!

    I feel like smashing my head into a wall . I do not have a qt set up and always try to buy from good dealers, but obviously this is impossible! So now my problem. My kole tang has brought ick into my tank and now he and my Yellow are in the beginning stages of it! I want to drop my SG and go...
  15. sdusky

    seaclone 100

    Thanks to all for your help! My 100 is now broke in and working good!!
  16. sdusky

    Two Clows in a 75 gal????

    I have a Cinnamon Clown and I would really like to add a different type. Is this possible? And if so what type would be best?
  17. sdusky

    Sand eating fish

    Can you keep a diamond goby with a fire goby??
  18. sdusky

    Jebbco skimmers good or no plz hlp

    My Seaclone just broke in after 1.5 weeks. It is working good! I have no complaints! You can not beat it for the money! I am not sure why everyone bashs it!
  19. sdusky

    Clown Tang wont eat

    Is there something in the water or what? I posted on Monday that my Kole Tang is not eating, and I have tried everything. I am going to try Roman Lettuce and soak some food in garlic tonight. I feel your pain. Is your fish grazing on algae on the live rock or glass???? My kole is at least doing...
  20. sdusky

    Kole/ Yellow Eye Tang not eating

    I am going to try attaching the sheet to a rock. My fish has only gone 2.5 days as of now and does not have that pinched appearance. Does anybody else have a thought on garlic?? And if so what is the trick.