Damsel Tank


Okay I have a 56 gallon and was told by the LFS who I <used> to trust that the Niger trigger would take 4-5 years before it got too big for my 56, and that the only thing I shouldn't have with him is shrimp, hermits, and slower/small fish like gobies.
That being said I said good enough and bought him. I have a yellow tail blue damsel (who seems fine with his new buddy). The trigger is like 3 inches long and the damsel is probably just over an inch.
Can someone tell me, is it possible for me to keep my trigger and find some other things to stock the tank with that will be okay, or should I return the trigger and "try again."
There is a piece of me that says "cut the losses, rinse out the tank and get some discus," but I'm not QUITE there yet.
Advice greatly appreciated.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Don't believe anthing the LFS says they are only tring to make a buck. there are some good LFS if you find one stay with them. As for yor triger the bigger it gets all those items you have in your tank will become food. It is your choice to keep him or not, I like niger trigers myself. I suggest to look at the compatiblity chart for tank mates. Good luck


Try a clown fish or a Tang that is larger than the Trigger. I have a Huma Huma and the Clown fish bullies him around. People also told me not to get a cleaner shrimp with a trigger fish. And guess what? The Trigger was one of the first to back into the shrimps cleaner station and get a good cleaning.
I guess it all depends on your fish. If it is aggressive fish then then tank mate selection can be difficult. Good luck!


I actually took the advice of those in my local reef club and exchanged the trigger, doesnt really fit where my tank (is/was) headed. I now have a yellow tail blue damsel and an engineer goby (Yes the bottom layer of my rock IS on the glass). He's about 3 inches and just starting to get black spots through the horizontal bar of white.
So, has anyone tried a "mostly damsel" tank. I've had all sorts of mean cichlids in the freshwater world, so I'm willing to deal with the occasional "fish relocation" for healing and the occasional one that cant be saved (as much as that annoys the members of my reef club, fish killing each other is natural
I was thinking about 1 each of like 6 species like the YTBD I have, beau gregory, talbot, lemon, azure (yellow/blue), jewel, and velvet. I know the 2/3/4 stripe,sargent major, and especially the domino get meaner than most the cichlids i've had, so I'd stay away from them...
Any advice?


New Member
they get so mean with age and size so its up 2 u but personally would not stay with happy damsels blue green or blue atlantic if u want a damsel only tank