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  1. <scuba steve>

    Pics of my 24 gallon reef

    I will also post pics of my 180 gallon when I can.
  2. <scuba steve>

    shark tank, reef tank or both?

    I am using my phone to type this so sorry if there are typos. I have a 180 gallon plexi-glass tank. I think I want a shark or ray in there (both smaller kinds like cortez and marbled) but I also want a lot of other reef fishes in there with it. I know the shark would make meals of the slower...
  3. <scuba steve>

    Bermuda protein skimmer

    My LFS are selling them used, so I don't know the exact model, but its probably BPS-3C or a BPS-5C. Both with a capacity much higher than 180 the BPS-3C is 100-300 gallons and the BPS-5C is 200-500 gallons. My question is are they good easy protein skimmers? Later on I may want to add ozone and...
  4. <scuba steve>

    Whats your feeling on Fluidized Bed Filters

    Are they good, how can you hook them up to sumps?
  5. <scuba steve>

    Coral catshark online

    My LFS wants over $200 for a coral catshark is there any online stores that sell a lot of different sharks and rays I am mostly interested in coral catsharks and cortez stingrays.
  6. <scuba steve>

    horrible fish keeper Look at this tinny tank and all the tangs/angelfish in it!
  7. <scuba steve>

    Small grow out tank for shark

    I am planning on getting a marbled bamboo shark in egg. I would keep the egg in a 10-20 gallon tank for the egg and maybe a month after the shark hatches until I can get my 180 up and running does 10-20 gallons sound ok for a shark egg/or freshly hatched shark. When they hatch they arew 4...
  8. <scuba steve>

    cleaner shrimp lost an eye

    Can a cleaner shrimp regrow an eye; my little guy looks like he lost one; I know they can regrow legs, but I dont know about eyes.
  9. <scuba steve>

    In wall shark tank

    I am setting up a 180 gallon in wall and plan on either getting a brown banded bamboo shark or a coral catshark. If the shark gets too big I can always give it to my LFS "show off tank" lol. I will start with only a few questions right now. My first question is what are good tank mates for those...