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  1. jpgnmt

    Been a while

    I decided to go back to school so I haven't had quite as much time as I used to but I still enjoy my tank. It is a 54 gallon Bowfront that is a little over four years old. I had a really pretty Dwarf Angel a while back and he decided to chew on the Hairy Mushrooms causing them to release a toxin...
  2. jpgnmt

    Completely confused

    The shrimp died at the same time so everything that ate the food died overnight. We keep the package in the freezer and for the night feeding just pop out a cube and drop it in the back. In the morning I drop it in a cup, melt it with water purchased from my LFS, add a bit of flake and pour it...
  3. jpgnmt

    Completely confused

    I have had the Angel for about 8 months. We thought about food as well but it was a frozen cube of brine shrimp from a package that we have been using for about two weeks. It stays in the freezer and just comes out to go in the tank.
  4. jpgnmt

    Completely confused

    I just put some charcoal in the Magnum to run for a while, not sure what else to do. Thanks for the input.
  5. jpgnmt

    Completely confused

    I use a heater with an outside controller and the temp is holding at 80, would thing a short would pop a breaker or at least kill the heater. The tank has Hammer Coral, Frogspawn, Yellow Polyps, Red Mushrooms, Purple Mushrooms, and Hairy Mushrooms, Fish were a Barberi Clown, a Six-line Wrasse...
  6. jpgnmt

    Completely confused

    I woke up this morning and all my fish were dead, laying on the bottom of the tank. Corals, mushrooms and Anemone were all fine. The tank is 3.5 years old. Only change recently is my Dwarf Yellow Angel started chewing on the Hairy Mushrooms. I looked online to see if a Hairy Mushroom could...
  7. jpgnmt

    New aquascape

    I had a plague of hair algae and finally took all my rocks out and scrubbed them and then went with a different arrangement. Before I formed two walls along the straight sides of my 54 bow front. Now I have kind of an atoll look going in the center. One of the challenges before was that I...
  8. jpgnmt

    Approaching three years

    Those mushrooms for the most part have their foot attached to a rock but then they get so large the rock is hidden. When a mushroom is free floating I toss it in the "Mushroom pile" toward the left center of the tank and most find something to grab onto. I have a really large red one that I just...
  9. jpgnmt

    Approaching three years

    Seems amazing that the time has flown by. I am working on a bit of an algae problem and just added 10 Blue Leg Hermits, two Sea Hares and a couple of Emerald Crabs. My Yellow Polyps dropped down to just 5 heads before they got happy, now I can't count them they are so thick on that rock. That is...
  10. jpgnmt

    Algae on substrate

    I don't have sand but a fairly coarse crushed coral. I can only access about 30% of it because of the rock but have used a large mouth on the end of my siphon hose for almost three years now. I started with a fair sized CUC and have added snails in the last while. They tend to get stuck between...
  11. jpgnmt

    Algae on substrate

    Thanks for the reply, those are great articles. They make you stop and think about these little ecosystems we are trying to maintain. This photo is after I cleaned this morning.
  12. jpgnmt

    Algae on substrate

    I replaced my bulbs about a month ago and it seems to be growing algae on the substrate like crazy. I put the gravel vac in each week for the water change and by the next day it starts growing so this is what it looks like at the end of the week. My research has pointed me toward a phosphate...
  13. jpgnmt

    New Full Tank Shots

    The aquarium is 31 months old. I originally bought some live rock with some mushrooms on them. Over time they have multiplied, especially the purple ones. I had two anemonies in the tank that eventually became seven. At that point all you could see was anems and the mushrooms hated them. They...
  14. jpgnmt

    New Full Tank Shots

    Thanks again. My only complaint on a bow front is that you can't photograph anything toward the back of the tank, not sure if it is the distance or the curve of the glass.
  15. jpgnmt

    New Full Tank Shots

    Thanks for all the comments. I am confused on one, is Chicago in Kazakstan? My geography must me failing me.
  16. jpgnmt

    New Full Tank Shots

    It is insulated and it is on a thermostat set for 50. At first had styrofoam panels that fit on the sides but don't need them. It is great to check it out from the back as I have a CBS that rarely comes out front.
  17. jpgnmt

    New Full Tank Shots

    I don't suppose all the do-dads would add to the ambiance of your living room. Dumb luck for me that it is through the wall into the garage. I attached a few more images for the other person that asked.Attachment 244011Attachment 244012Attachment 244013
  18. jpgnmt

    Red Algae EVERYWHERE! Help Please!

    I have seen "rinsed foods" mentioned a few times. How does one do that?
  19. jpgnmt

    New Full Tank Shots

    It is a corner bow. Here are a few shots for you to see the set up on lights. The transformer is the big thing on the shelf. I can loosen the arm on the light to raise it up to get at the top of the tank. I didn't allow much room when I made the opening for the lights to go above the tank so it...
  20. jpgnmt

    Red Algae EVERYWHERE! Help Please!

    I just finished, I hope, a bout with Cyano as well. I did as listed above but it kept coming back so I resorted to Red Slime X with great results. I had been siphoning every week, doing a 10% water change with RO water from my LFS, lots of flow. I cut back on feeding and my wife claims she can...