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  1. sj2494

    Cleaning Live Rock

    i have a aqua clear 50 that i use to basicaly power wash my rock twice a month due to sand getting on the rock this keeps the good bactiria in the tank and gives your filter a chance to pick it up also sally light foots kick ass for cleaning LR i have 2 sallys and 10 hermit crabs and 1 salafin...
  2. sj2494

    water circulation

    is there such a thing as to much water circulation i have a 90 gallon tank with an aqua clear 110 and a 50 circulating the water and with this much circulation it seems like the tank stays cleaner but how is it for the fish they look like there handling it no problem
  3. sj2494

    how screwed am i

    I have an aqua clear power filter i can hook up and put the sponge with 2 bags of carbin will that be good Also the tomato and maroon are best buddies its the clarkis there a couple of [hr]
  4. sj2494

    how screwed am i

    no other tanks i might go out and get a bio cube for a hospital tank
  5. sj2494

    how screwed am i

    i have a nova extreme light 4 t-5 10k and 4 other ones i cant remeber right now but its what the light came with
  6. sj2494

    how screwed am i

    i just recently discovered that your not supposed to have more then one species of anemone in your tank and i ordered 4 from swf 1 bubble tip 1 long tenticle 1 pink tip haitaian and 1 sabe so my quetion is how screwed am i and what are my options do i take my chances or do i give them away. i...