how screwed am i


New Member
i just recently discovered that your not supposed to have more then one species of anemone in your tank and i ordered 4 from swf
1 bubble tip
1 long tenticle
1 pink tip haitaian
and 1 sabe so my quetion is how screwed am i and what are my options do i take my chances or do i give them away.
i have a 90 gallon tank with
1 bi colored angel
1 powder blue tang
2 claki clowns
2 tomato clowns
2 nemo clowns
2 maroon clowns
1 royal gramma
a few damsels and chromis
2 sally light foots and a bunch of crabs
oh and a salafin bleenie so there is some money in the tank
for filtration i have 100 pounds live rock and a protein skimmer raited for 90 gal of harf corral and for curculation i have a aqua clear 110 and 50
any advice would be apreciated even if its not good i just dont want to kill my tank
If Am Not Mistaken You Can Have Them But Its Good To Monitor Them When They Are Moving Around, I Think You Have To Many Clowns And The Pink Tip Anemone Will Not Host Any Of Your Clowns


New Member
i have a nova extreme light 4 t-5 10k and 4 other ones i cant remeber right now but its what the light came with


Are you running activated carbon? Yikes 8 clowns in your 90 I would think this is the bigger issue as well. When all out war breaks out in your tank, you may need 3 more tanks. Clowns don't get along well with other clowns and it will get nasty in time and you'll have several losses if you don't remove them.1 pair per tank, maybe you could try 2 and hope for the best but I would not include maroons or tomatoes, they are too mean.


New Member
I have an aqua clear power filter i can hook up and put the sponge with 2 bags of carbin will that be good
Also the tomato and maroon are best buddies its the clarkis there a couple of



Personally I use a refillable media bag in a place of high flow.
Oh I bet the maroons anad tomatoes are the sweetest things right now, just wait, they will show their true nature as they mature.
As a general rule maroons are known for their nasty tempers. They will fight with to the death if need be without backing down. Have never owned a tomatoe but have heard them described as terrirorial and mean also. Its up to you, your fish, your tank. It wont work, no way.
I can't believe it is working now, once you add in some anemones for the fish to host it will only get worse. I have a friend with a 125 and she tried to add a pair of mated Sabae clowns w/ a sabae anemone in her tank that already had a pair of black percs hosting a BTA and as soon as she dropped the clowns in the tank (on the opposite end of the black clowns) they immediately charged them and an all out war broke out!


Active Member
I posted a similar question not too long ago. I bought a pink tip Haitian anemone and my clown took to it right away - harrrassed it constantly, and I was getting the feeling that the anemone wasn't happy about it so I went out and bought a bubble tip. After adding it I heard that you aren't supposed to put two different kinds of anemones in the same tank but got conflicting reports on that so I was going to wait and see what happened. Within two days, I found my clownfish dead. No signs of injury or trauma, had been perfectly healthy the day before, just dead. Shortly thereafter, my bicolor blenny went missing (still haven't found his body and probably never will). Two other fish started looking stressed and ill so without any further ado I tore the tank apart and took the bubble tip out and moved it to another tank. It looks happy, the original pink tip looks happy, my stressed fish look healthy again, and no more losses. Coincidence? I'll never know, but everything started going bad real fast when I added the BTA so I think there was a connection. Apparently the two feuding anemones release toxins and play a game of chemical warfare?


Originally Posted by Lmecher
Personally I use a refillable media bag in a place of high flow.
Oh I bet the maroons anad tomatoes are the sweetest things right now, just wait, they will show their true nature as they mature.
As a general rule maroons are known for their nasty tempers. They will fight with to the death if need be without backing down. Have never owned a tomatoe but have heard them described as terrirorial and mean also. Its up to you, your fish, your tank. It wont work, no way.
Yea, maroons are vicious... in my experience though, i had a big guy and he was the sweetest guy ever, and he was BIG. That being said, there were NO other clowns in my tank, just a sixline wrasse. Sigh... he died recently, such a beautiful, peaceful guy (when he's the boss that is, lol).