Search results

  1. joseph mcdonald

    missing sargassum, happy anemone...uh oh

    well came back from a trip for work and my sargassum angler is just missing... i ask my roomate if he fed it like I asked, and he had.. he said it was there the night before.. so only conclusion i've came to is that the big green carpet ate my angler.. Angler has been agressive toward the...
  2. joseph mcdonald

    hang on overflow... diagram--work of flood?

    slighty altered to save space... and btw, ideas for a cheap return pump?
  3. joseph mcdonald

    hang on overflow... diagram--work of flood?

    Thanks for the info.. any schematics would be helpful, just never really thought about how these work and drilling isn't an option... i have a spare 20gal tall which i'd probably put 15-20 gallons in...... i've gotta figure out what to put in it... i'm thinking in the overflow system...
  4. joseph mcdonald

    hang on overflow... diagram--work of flood?

    i have a 20 gallon tank, want to build some sort of under tank filtration to avoid a problem i've been having with fish and anemone gettin stuck to intakes of filters (crazy aquatic things)... this is my idea.. its not exactly to scale may vary when built.. hope to use 1" flexible tubing...
  5. joseph mcdonald

    pissing off green carpet

    so i really ticked off my anemone and clown fish.... i have a huge green carpet anemone and today well it decided the intake to my penguin filter was a good thing to curl up around and completly stopped the flow of water in it.. i jiggled it loose from the anemone earlier and then well it went...
  6. joseph mcdonald

    Green Carpet.. Keeps Movin

    its been a week... and it tends to get upside down on occassion
  7. joseph mcdonald

    Green Carpet.. Keeps Movin

    What is up with my carpet anemone.. these 2 pictures were like 1hr apart.. its like he is trying to climb the back glass and failing to do so...
  8. joseph mcdonald

    Tank Pictures

    the sargassum keeps hiding.. i'll try and get some pics of him when I feed him when he finally decides to move otuta the top corner.... The clown is in the middle of a conspiracy with my anemone..they are chasing the sargasumm... It moves to one side of the tank, the anemone moves that...
  9. joseph mcdonald

    Tank Pictures

    If everyone really likes this idea, i have access to nice server and high speed connection.. I could setup a custom picture post site.. Maybe even have voting with realtime results.. My friends @ the computer center could help me with any scripting and such... and btw, the camera is a Sony...
  10. joseph mcdonald

    Tank Pictures

    I have decided to start up a fish tank pictures community on MSN.. I have posted pics of my tank and of davidcanupp's tank... Everyone is welcome to join and add pics.. <a href="" target="_blank">Fish Tank Archive</a>
  11. joseph mcdonald

    Filter Feeding Snail???

    here is a pic of his snail.. was over there earlier and took some pics of his tank...
  12. joseph mcdonald

    eye candy

    sorry guys but inches isn't the issue... its pixels ;) depends if the guy on the other end is looking at it in 800x600 (often used) or higher.. I have 17" monitor and resolution is 1024x768 but sometimes higher.. max pic size i recommend would be 640x480 :) below--640x480
  13. joseph mcdonald

    Anemone...On Its Side

    the tank should be pretty set now.. the PS & actinic were on order when the anemone was added.. i got them in the mail today, put them on the tank.. so there movement is by just layin over and crawling? it just worried me to see its underside all facing me where i could see it.... No new...
  14. joseph mcdonald

    Anemone...On Its Side

    i have about 10lbs of live rock.. 1 large piece.. 1 medium piece (on opposite sides) and 3 lil pieces skattered in the middle.. the tank has been up for about 4wks.... I listened to LFS (maybe mistake) on saying everything should be stable if levels have been right for a week.. anemone has...
  15. joseph mcdonald

    Anemone...On Its Side

    I am not sure about the normal behavoir of an anemone. I have a green carpet. Yesterday he got a hold of 2 feeder guppies that I put in for my Sargassum Angler (i know bad move, have changed..trying frozen shrimp on a stick.. all LFS had) It also got ahold of a loose piece of my shrimp...
  16. joseph mcdonald

    Sargassum Angler

    I just got this fish and first action in my tank was to go to the intake of my filter and wrap his tail around it. Is this normal or unusual action for this fish. I shake the pipe and he swims away but later came back. I eventually took the extension off the intake so it was at the bottom of...