Anemone...On Its Side

joseph mcdonald

New Member
I am not sure about the normal behavoir of an anemone. I have a green carpet. Yesterday he got a hold of 2 feeder guppies that I put in for my Sargassum Angler (i know bad move, have changed..trying frozen shrimp on a stick.. all LFS had) It also got ahold of a loose piece of my shrimp today.. I added an actnic light @ about 9:45PM replacing my 50/50.. I noticed about 30mins (12:40am) ago that it was laying on its side and leaning toward the new light.. Could this behavoir be from the addition of the new light? Does the green carpet like the actinic more than the smartlight? Tank has been below levels for nearly a week... Just worried I've screwed up and gonna kill the most expensive thing and favorite thing...
Test Kit
PH=8.15, Alkalinity=4.5, Nitrite=0, Nitrate=0, Ammonia=0, Total Ammonia=0
(I'm also attempting to hatch brine shrimp, just for the sake of trying.. I know the clown will eat it, but not sure about the sargassum)
How long have you had this anemone ?
Do you have any live rock ?
How long has the tank been set up?
If you have had it for awhile its probably just reacting to the new light
Is your lights usually on this late ?

joseph mcdonald

New Member
i have about 10lbs of live rock.. 1 large piece.. 1 medium piece (on opposite sides) and 3 lil pieces skattered in the middle..
the tank has been up for about 4wks.... I listened to LFS (maybe mistake) on saying everything should be stable if levels have been right for a week..
anemone has been in for 3 days.. up until know has just been firmly attached to small live rock in middle of tank.. lights run 2pm(actinic on) 3pm(smartlightPC on)... 11pm(smartlight off) 12am(actinic off)
also the protein skimmer was just added at about 11:55pm which i had to move filters around which changed the current up a little... i'm just not familiar with anemones :|
It's just so happy looking here... 4-5hrs after adding it 3days ago


I've had a green carpet about 4 months and it has move all over my tank. One weeks it's as big as a football one week it's not so good.I would try and keep the same living conditions for it as long you can. What i mean is don't change the lighting, subtrate, temp., feeding ect..IME, I have noticed that the minute I change any of those thing i see a big diferance in its behavior.

joseph mcdonald

New Member
the tank should be pretty set now.. the PS & actinic were on order when the anemone was added.. i got them in the mail today, put them on the tank.. so there movement is by just layin over and crawling? it just worried me to see its underside all facing me where i could see it.... No new additions planned.. water change in about 3-4wks.. i may add a bit of buffer to raise PH and alkalinity.. would this really affect the anemone? should i just leave it well be and hope nothing goes belly up?
i still haven't established a regular feeding habbit?... frozen whole shrimp ok for anemone?
Sorry for being so empty on this subject.. hope to learn alot, and pass it on in the future....