Search results

  1. jamesp

    Complete System For Sale

    Well I tried. I guess a certain auction website name has been banned from this forum. Sorry. for more info. Thank You, James
  2. jamesp

    Auriga Butterfly Not Eating

    I bought a Auriga Butterfly on 12/15 and so far he isn't eating. I've tried Romaine Lettuce, Ghost Shrimp and a variety of frozen foods. Is this normal? Any Ideas? Thanks, JamesP
  3. jamesp

    Metal halide / Corals ?

    Do you have to have metal halides if you want corals in your tank? If so, how strong should they lighting be? If not, how strong should my power compacts be? Thanks
  4. jamesp

    Why does this site

    Why does this site have so many broken images and pages that come up 404? It's a bit frustrating to shop when images are not loading and pages comimg up with errors. For example look at the top frame, it's been a broke image for quite some time. It's easy to fix all this, I'll do it in trade for...
  5. jamesp

    LFS -vs- Online “Opinions”

    I have gone to several “Fish Stores” (They only deal with fish) throughout the area where I live. Some being over an hour and a half away and their opinions compared to the opinions of most of the online chat boards are very different. A few examples: LFS says that refuges don’t work and they...
  6. jamesp

    Quietest power heads?

    Who makes the quietest power head? Getting ready to purchase some new ones and wanted to get everyone's opinion.
  7. jamesp

    125G Circulation

    I have a 125G tank and would like to know how many GPH I should be running. Right now I have 1 Rio 2400 running 1 of the spray bars you see below. I'm using 1/2" PCV and it's pumping up to the tank from the sump about 3'. I plan on adding 1 more of those spray bars and wondering if I should kick...
  8. jamesp

    My chiller just arrived

    I bought a Aqua Logic 1/3hp and was wondering if these things put off allot of heat. I wanted to put it under the tank next to my sump but didn't want the heat from the chiller to transfer to the sump. Also, how noisy are they?
  9. jamesp

    Mantis Shrimp - 'Video Clip'

    OK, for those of you who that have heard what these buggers sound like and have actually found one in your tank, please download these video and tell me what you think. Thanks a bunch !!
  10. jamesp

    Mantis Quest

    I've started off by removing about 2/3 of my live rock and putting it in Rubbermaid containers. My question is, how long can I leave my live rock in these containers? I have powers heads moving water and heaters running. Is there anything else I could do to prevent any type of loss of life?
  11. jamesp

    Mantis Shrimp ?? Please Read

    OK, let me start by giving you a little history of my problem. I haven't been able to keep fish alive for the life of me. Over the past 2 1/2 years since I started into this hobby I have lost around 18-20 fish, peppermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp, crabs, snails, etc. Thinking it was something I...
  12. jamesp

    Wtf ??

    After reading so much about refugiums, I've decided that I was going to go ahead and build one for my 125g tank. I called my LFS to see what they had in stock to starting building. First off they told me that they don't support using refugiums because they don't work. Second they told me that...
  13. jamesp

    Building a Refuge from an old tank?

    I have an old 125 gallon tank that I'm not using. I was wondering is bigger better when building a refuge? If so, any suggestions? What type of maintenance needs to be done to the refuge itself?
  14. jamesp

    Finally got some pics to show you

  15. jamesp

    Another UPDATE on our E-bay LOSER!

    This is the responce E-Bay gave me after complaining: [hr] Hello, I appreciate you notifying SafeHarbor with your concern. It is the responsibility of the Buyers to know what they are bidding on. At the bottom of every auction listing, there is a box entitled "How to bid". In this, we provide...
  16. jamesp

    DSB done with Southdown

    Does Southdown really work?
  17. jamesp

    Our E-Bay Scammer

    Looks as though our E-Bay scammer might have been shut down or he shut it down himself. All of his auctions have ended short. Here's a few links that I found. Look at the bid history. Funny stuff!
  18. jamesp

    Magnet Cleaners

    Will a real good magnet cleaner remove coraline algae from plexi-glass? Will it scratch the glass?
  19. jamesp

    Jalli Warranty

    Anybody know what the warranty is on Jalli Ballests? If not do you know where I can get some info on Jalli?
  20. jamesp

    Emerald Crab lost a pincher

    My Emerald Crab lost a pincher. He's still alive but is this normal?