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  1. amir


    My snowflak run away from my tank when I WAS AWAY HOW LONG IT CAN LIVE OUT OF THE WATER?
  2. amir

    Plate Coral a killer?

    Hi I lost my for a week and then he came back .its look like after evry time I made some chang in the tank he goen for a few days...hi whatyou gonna do . Good lack ( I hope you goinna c him back)
  3. amir


    Hi I have 95 gl reef that I start 2 years ago I have 95 lb Live rock and now I want to have live send it is ok to mix live send with the gravel or I have to take out the gravel ? what is the best way to add live send to my tank . Thank's
  4. amir


    When I add all the suplament to my tank (ph buffer,culciom....) suold I shut my skimmer off?
  5. amir


    What is the proper use of this prodact I have 95 gl with 85 live rock Im trying to bring up my ph any one have a good thing to say about that prodact can it harm carpet or my coral?
  6. amir


    Even that I have this setup for more then 2 year and I never had a problem?
  7. amir


    Hi my tank is 95gl corner with 90 lb of live rock (hopfuly)for fish I have:1)Neso, yellow, 2 blue tang ,sailfine, 2 clowne ,skank ,demsel,rinbow Filtererion wet/dry ,protin skimmer,UV ,ozonazer,baio light 440vho
  8. amir


    1)I just run a test on my ph and Nitrate and my ph is low so I addthe Pro.Buffer dkh From Kent ? I hope its ok? 2) then I run a test on the Nitrane ( Im using fasttest)and Iits read 100 I think its very bad what can I do bisaid water chages . Thanx
  9. amir

    Found a new LFS Really Cheap

  10. amir

    Black and White Heni

    I just got the Black and White Heni I have corl in my tank I wonder if any one know if the fish going to pic on my coral (its say that that fish is reef safe but I dont know for shur)?
  11. amir

    PH high

    What is the best thing to do when your ph is high or low(can be low?). Thank
  12. amir

    Hood pic? help

    Im about to built a hood for my 95 gl corner tank wher is the best place to look for pic, instraction and moor ... Than'x Amir
  13. amir

    fish store in the boston area???

    Any one know about some goos store around the Boston area?
  14. amir

    Fish store

    Anyone know a good fish store in the boston area?
  15. amir

    NEEN help with Calcium Quick

    What sould I do if my Calcium level right now is 650-700 mgl (water chang?) how soon?
  16. amir


    I have now fish and corl and I have lighthing ijust thinf Im not usung my lighthing the right way.
  17. amir


    OK Im in the hobby for 1.5 years and i have 95 G with 90 lb live rock good amount of fish and corl can some one tell me what is the right amount of LIGHTING that I have to give to my tank how mach ,long what kind and ...wher to buy.Thanx
  18. amir

    Clams & Xenias

    wher do you got 9 corals for $99.00. ?????
  19. amir

    Xenia blich

    NO blich i mean turn white ...
  20. amir

    Xenia blich

    Hi I have the Xenia for a long time sime to be very well in my tank and today I notice that it start to get some blich in the end of them ? any one had that problam?