Search results

  1. wildncrazyone

    poor condition clownfish from SWF

    Well the clown that I was concerned about died yesterday and the other one is acting the sameway the first clown was. I am afraid I will loose this clown before the end of the day. The rest of my fish are all doing great. I must have bought sickly clowns. I tested my water and everything came...
  2. wildncrazyone

    poor condition clownfish from SWF

    I just bought 2 clownfish from SWF and they both arrived in poor condition. The fins were bad and they were both pale in color with no black bars hardly at all. I contacted them and sent some pics telling them they were in bad shape. They told me the fins were fine (they are not) and they...
  3. wildncrazyone

    Tadpoles for fresh food

    Can I put newly hatched tadpoles in my tank for fresh food? My son asked me and I really didn't have the answer.
  4. wildncrazyone

    HOB octopus skimmer

    I getting tons of bubbles now on the output tube of the skimmer. I must be doing something really wrong here.
  5. wildncrazyone

    HOB octopus skimmer

    Thanks for all the help but I still don't think its working properly. had the same info I ave. Its not very helpful. I'm ready tosend it back. I guess I will need to call tomorrow and see whats wrong. Thanks again everyone
  6. wildncrazyone

    HOB octopus skimmer

    I don't have any shut off valves or bleader valves at all just a blue hose and 2 clear ones coming from the pump.
  7. wildncrazyone

    HOB octopus skimmer

    I.m not sure how to hookup the 2 lines coming from the pump. Do I hook them both up to the silencer? Then there is one line coming from the inflow tube(blue) hose. When I hook up the 2 lines from the pump to the silencer I loose my vaccume. Anyone have a pic of there HOB skimmer? Mine is the Bh...
  8. wildncrazyone

    HOB octopus skimmer
  9. wildncrazyone

    HOB octopus skimmer

    The model is BH-100F-6520 Still can't get it working correctly
  10. wildncrazyone

    HOB octopus skimmer

    I just got my skimmer and the directions are terrible. How do I blead off the air? I added water to the skimmer and it just pumped the water into the tank without filling the resevoir. Help me please!
  11. wildncrazyone

    Algae on my live rock
  12. wildncrazyone

    Algae on my live rock
  13. wildncrazyone

    Algae on my live rock

    My tank has been set up for almost a year. I added live rock and fish from a friends tank. I have a fire shrimp,one anenome, 2 damsels and a emperor snapper right now. The tank is a 30 gallon. The algae seems to be taking over. My lights are on 10 hours. I need some algae eaters.
  14. wildncrazyone

    Algae on my live rock

    I added an extra t5 light and now my live rocks are starting to get overcome by algae. What should I do? Should I buy a clean up crew? Any suggestions?
  15. wildncrazyone

    Protein Skimmers

    Thanks for the advice. I was about to buy the Bak-Pak Dual, I have been reading some bad remarks about this skimmer. Anyone have one?
  16. wildncrazyone

    Protein Skimmers

    Hello,I am about to purchase a protein skimmer for my 35 gallon tank. I am going to set up my 55 soon. What is a good quality skimmer for the price that will work on both tanks? I would prefer a hang on type. thanks