Search results

  1. leggomyeggow

    Your Favorite Fish

    What's your favorite fish? I really like BRIGHTLY colored fish. Flame Angel and Royal Gamma are some of my favorites. What about you guys?
  2. leggomyeggow

    Which Company Makes the Best 29g Nano Tanks?

    Are there any major differences between the 24g tank and the 28g? Besides 4 gallons of course.
  3. leggomyeggow

    Which Company Makes the Best 29g Nano Tanks?

    I want to start a nano tank but I don't know which one I should buy. Which one will give me the least trouble? Thanks
  4. leggomyeggow

    Good Books For Salt Water Beginners?

    Do you have any titles that you recomend?
  5. leggomyeggow

    Good Books For Salt Water Beginners?

    I hear The New Marine Aquarium is good. Are there ary others I should read? I am completely new to saltwater tanks btw. Thanks!
  6. leggomyeggow

    How far can I go with $1000? (Reef Tank)

    I'm brand new to the world of salt water reef tanks and I would like to get into the hobby. Currently, I do not own a tank. I'm going to do much research before I actually start. I don't think I'm willing to spend more than $1000. How far will this take me? I really want a tank with about...