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  1. reefkeeper78

    Need Help with new Fish.

    Ya he eats great with mysis shrimp so far. I just never had a fish go in the corner like that. I have about 75 ponds of live rock in their as well with plenty of caves and hiding spaces. All the pther fish are in great health and no sign of disease is present. Regards Tony
  2. reefkeeper78

    2 angels-1 tank

    The Lemonpeel is about 4 inches and the coral beauty is about 2.5. Regards Tony
  3. reefkeeper78

    2 angels-1 tank

    I even have two in a 46 gallon BF Lemmon Peel and Coral beauty added at about 3 months apart. Regards Tony
  4. reefkeeper78

    Need Help with new Fish.

    i just recently bought a lemmonpeel angel and added it to my 46 gallon bow front. I also have a 30 gallon fuge underneath with cheato. The problem I am having is he likes to hangout in the corner of the tank for no apparent reason. There is little or no aggression that is apparent when i am...
  5. reefkeeper78

    red-slimy hair algae starting! what gives?

    I ran in to the same problem about a month ago with red algae. I ended up buying a banded sleeper goby. I gave it a head start by cleaning off the rocks and since getting him my rocks have been algae free. I might have missed this but how old your tank?
  6. reefkeeper78

    red alge

    How old is your tank? What are your water params? How often do you feed? Regards Tony