2 angels-1 tank


So much for not being able to keep 2 angels in one tank..my coral beauty and blue angel have been together for about 2 months now in my 120 long. No issues, they swim past each other, hunt for algae together....I did introduce them at the same time, but they just seem to school with everyone else, especially come feeding time. I do agree that some angels should sure as hell not be kept together, but it seems as though some can be. Will post pics later.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Many many many many many many did I say many people keep more than 1 angel in the same tank. I am currently and others have more than just two. They have 4 or 5.


Originally Posted by nsajd
So much for not being able to keep 2 angels in one tank..my coral beauty and blue angel have been together for about 2 months now in my 120 long. No issues, they swim past each other, hunt for algae together....I did introduce them at the same time, but they just seem to school with everyone else, especially come feeding time. I do agree that some angels should sure as hell not be kept together, but it seems as though some can be. Will post pics later.
A Coral beauty and a Blue angel can get along because one is a dwarf and one is not. They have completely different body shapes. The blue grows to 15 inches while the CB maxes out at 3.8.
Originally Posted by Reefkeeper78

I even have two in a 46 gallon BF Lemmon Peel and Coral beauty added at about 3 months apart. Regards Tony
You have two dwarfs with the same body shape. Have a QT ready for when they begin to mature and get aggressive with one another...


Originally Posted by Reefkeeper78
The Lemonpeel is about 4 inches and the coral beauty is about 2.5. Regards Tony
Please do not think that I am picking on you. I am not at all. It is only a matter of time though in that sized tank with two dwarfs...

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Reefkeeper78
I even have two in a 46 gallon BF Lemmon Peel and Coral beauty added at about 3 months apart. Regards Tony
Lemonpeel is one of the bigger more aggressive pygmy angels. Neither is done growing. The CB is more peaceful. Your tank is too small for a larger smaller pygmy combo. You will have issues down the road.
As Sep said. You can mix Big and pygmy angels all day. My Emp doesnt look at my bicolor. I did have en emp blueface that didnt work out. My tank was too small. I will try again when I get my 150 running and with a juvi bf to my juvi emp.