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  1. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    Yeah no bubbles. Sump is working just fine now. I have been using polyfill between the baffles and completely bubble free. Just did a water change today and will try another one end of week. My parameters are as follows: PH: 8.3 Salinity:35 SG:1.026 Ammonia:0 trates: 0 trites: 0 Phosphates...
  2. mcmasterson

    Frogspawn and Hammer Struggle after new sump

    Here are some pictures of some of the corals that have been struggling big time. You can see a lot of algae in the hammer picture. Still battling that problem. Doing weekly water changes, sump is running with Caulerpa in the refugium and skimmer is pulling a lot of gunk out. Even with the GHA...
  3. mcmasterson

    Frogspawn and Hammer Struggle after new sump

    I will try to snap a couple photos. My camera doesnt do well on tank pictures. The frogspawn is on a continual decline i would say. The hammer has pretty much shut down and doesnt expand at all. I tried putting it a little higher and it didnt affect it. They both have been in the sand since...
  4. mcmasterson

    Frogspawn and Hammer Struggle after new sump

    My frogspawn is still opening up, but my hammer is barely doing it. i had two heads and one is barely perceptible right now and looks like it is heading to an early grave. The 2nd one i hope will come back, but looks soo weak and meager right now. Temp swings maybe just a little bit. after...
  5. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    Well still no bubbles to really speak of. However still dealing with stressed out and sick hammer and frogspawn corals. In fact nearly every coral in my tank is not what they used to be. I would think the opposite after all the benefits of adding a sump/refugium/skimmer. My hammer is looking...
  6. mcmasterson

    Frogspawn and Hammer Struggle after new sump

    Anyone ever experience something like this before with the introduction of the sump?? They are still suffering and fear they may end up in an early grave. My open Brain coral is doing ok as is my colt coral so not sure why the frogspawn and hammer are hurting. My leather is not what he used to...
  7. mcmasterson

    Frogspawn and Hammer Struggle after new sump

    I just started a small 10 gallon sump w/refugium and skimmer on my 46 gal tank. I have a few corals which had been doing okay up until i started my sump about a week ago. My purple tipped frogspawn was growing nicely and was looking healthy and now has since shrunk a bit and it's tentacles are...
  8. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    I have all the fittings primed and glued on the PVC portion except the elbow in the water. I might throw some more glue around the edges to see if that will help, but pretty sure they arent sucking air as i would likely be seeing some water coming out the lines. Since my aquarium top is semi...
  9. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    Return is a combo vinyl and PVC. Standard PVC and standard braided vinyl tubing from Home Depot. I dont have a smaller pump on hand, but it seems like that has to be the main culprit. That combined with the 10 gallon tank used for the sump. I guess if it burns out it burns out. I might be...
  10. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    Another thing is since i have made the sump active and removed my HOB emperor my water parameters have been excellent. No phosphate, trates, trites, ammonia, etc. Ideal water conditions outside of calcium. My larger frogspawn was doing really well before i made the switch and i had a small...
  11. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    I did test my calcium last night and i was at 340 which is low. What do you recommend i use to to increase the calcium?
  12. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    About 4-5" or so depending on water levels and return pump flow. However i rule this out as being an issue as when i turn my return pump up or full blast the water level or drop in the overflow box rises creating a lower fall and i have increased bubbles. So i dont believe that is the issue. I...
  13. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    Man this sump is being a pain. I was pretty much bubble free the majority of the evening last night. Now this morning i am back to micro bubbles. I didnt change a single thing between the night and morning. It appears the bubbles just get worse as the day goes on which is weird. So today i...
  14. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    oh ok, so i would have a straight PVC pipe coming off the T heading straight upwards. Does this release some air bubbles as it goes slightly up the T before the majority heads down into the bubble tower? The water level is maybe 1/2-1" above the standpipe in the outer overflow box. My tank is...
  15. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    The elbow is not glued in the bubble tower. Is a vent "T" just a normal PVC T-vent? If i put that on wouldnt the water pour out of both holes of the T? Or am i not thinking of the same thing? In the overflow i have a foam strainer as is shown in the picture here. Currently i have nearly zero...
  16. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    Here is a photo of the set up. I do have a bend in my return line as i didnt cut it exactly to length. I did this in case of adjustments. Considering i have the valve turned way down, the loss of flow shouldnt be hurting with the extra loop it needs to make on it's way back to the tank so i...
  17. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    Well i put a 90 degree elbow on the bottom of the line into the refugium to divert the flow to the outside wall to help micros dissipate before falling over the baffle. This has helped. Now with the flow turned down on the return to very minimal i have very little to no micro bubbles. I am...
  18. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    It is currently submerged. I already have it over 1/4 closed. It is at about 1/2+ closed. do you mean turn it down leaving it only 1/4 of the way open or 3/4 closed?
  19. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    I am also seeing quite a few micros coming out of my drain into the refugium. I have that ball valve turned down at least half way. When i open it up all the way i still get the bubbles. turning it down does help to reduce them. but it almost seems i am having quite a few micros on the...
  20. mcmasterson

    10 Gallon Sump Saga

    the return line was already about at half. The drain from DT to bubble was just a hair closed. I just opened it completely now. I can see the large bubbles coming into the bubble tower, but i also see a ton of micro mixed in. It appears after hitting the rock they break up and create smaller...