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  1. techshredder

    coral beauty angelfish what to feed ?

    thank you guys both for the help !
  2. techshredder

    coral beauty angelfish what to feed ?

    i bought a coral beauty yesterday. the lady at the fish store said to feed it mysis shrimp.i was reading tho and they mainly eat other what can i feed it spirula,seaweed,meats,flakes????????????
  3. techshredder

    i need help picking out a new fish and coral for 29 gallon biocube !

    THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE HELPFUL POSTS!im def ruling out the urchin then i dont need a frag collector haha.i do have green algae not a ton but enough to where it annoys me .all i have for clean up crew it 1 or 2 turbo snails 1 narcisus snail (sp?)i know its not enough but i have had hermit...
  4. techshredder

    i need help picking out a new fish and coral for 29 gallon biocube !

    hi i have a 29 gallon biocube with the lights moded to 144 watt pcs .i have 1 clownfish,1 watchmen goby and 1 sixline wrasse.corals i have pulsing xenia (alot of them they wont stop multiplying),blastos,star polyps,hammer coral ,candy cane coral,acon lord and ricordia looking at...
  5. techshredder

    zoo question / help

    I Dosed Calcium Over A Couple Days To Get It Up To 450 Calcium Levels Were Low....that Will Really Make Them Close?THANKS MELY MINE HAVE HOPE THEN AT LEAST I DIDN T ROLE THEM IN SUPER GLUE!
  6. techshredder

    zoo question / help

    the first 2 days they were fully opened. now they haven't opened in 4 days. and i have no idea what that brown stuff is between the polyps
  7. techshredder

    Coral ID

    thanks! i remember it started with "blast" just couldn't remember the rest.
  8. techshredder

    zoo question / help

    here's a picture....does it look dead?
  9. techshredder

    Coral ID

    Can anyone tell me what this coral is?
  10. techshredder

    Question about Caibsea Live Sand?

    i used it in my tank to .i didnt rinse epic fail my tank was cloudy for a day ha
  11. techshredder

    zoo question / help

    to be honest i havent moved them around much i figured they were mad for me fresh water dipping them pretty sure there not dead but i have nt seen any of the heads try to open in like 4 days so i dunno....they arent in alot of flow but if i move them up higher theyll be in a higher flow...
  12. techshredder

    zoo question / help

    whats the ioidine solution supposed to do flordia joe?
  13. techshredder

    zoo question / help

    i only dipped it for not even a minute .to make sure it didnt have any parasites on it .i have been leaveing it alone for at least 4 days still nothing i thought zoas were easy hahaa.its not in a a strong current its underneath the flow really.its only getting alittle bit of long can...
  14. techshredder

    zoo question / help

    i got a zoo frag a week ago and im confused what going on with it looking for some pointers.the 1st 2 days i had it, all the polpys were all the way open. then on the third day 6 or the 10 were open .then the 4th they were all closed.they have been all closed for last couple days .i tried a...
  15. techshredder

    finished cycling!stock question

    My 29 gallon biocube finished cycling. It's been up and running for a month. Now it's time to start stocking. I know a lot of people get inverts first, but I don't have any algae for them to eat. So, what should I put in first? I want to get two clowns, a wrasse, and a goby. Any suggestions on...
  16. techshredder

    Stock Question

    My 29 gallon biocube finished cycling. It's been up and running for a month. Now it's time to start stocking. I know a lot of people get inverts first, but I don't have any algae for them to eat. So, what should I put in first? I want to get two clowns, a wrasse, and a goby. Any suggestions on...
  17. techshredder

    nitrites and nitrates are really high seems like my cycle is stalled....

    so for last 2 weeks of my cycle which i thought would be over by now nitrites and nitrates have been the same level for 2 weeks they seem like the cycled amonia is 0 ,nitrites 1 or 1.5 and nitrates is sky high same reading for 2 weeks .total length of cycle will be one month...
  18. techshredder

    cycling question help!

    amonia is 0 nitrites ate .75 they havent come all the way down to 0 yet still waiting
  19. techshredder

    tank is still cycling question.....

    opihura im just cycling with live rock and sand.i didnt put anything in tank to help it cycle.i have the 237 gph biocube stock pump and a korila 1 powerhead for water is good no algae gunk nothing
  20. techshredder

    cycling question help!

    yes my nitrites have been lowering then my nitrates were lowering .my nitrates were at 20 ppm on sunday but today when i tested they were up again round 80 ppm .that why i asked it didnt seem normal to me but maybe it is....i dunno if i should be concerned or not