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  1. luvmyreef

    High Nitrate!!

    Water changes can help but think about this... if your nitrates are 180 in a 125, you would have to change 50% of the water just to reduce it by half using that method. You need to find the source. What are you feeding? What kind of macro are you using? Chaeto is the best macroalgae to use IMO...
  2. luvmyreef

    Reviving zoanthids?

    Awesome! Glad they are doing well. :)
  3. luvmyreef

    Reviving zoanthids?

    well, I would wait and see what they are going to do for now. They could of been in an environment they didn't like. I would dip them at least once before adding into the display once you quarantine them for awhile. You never know what kind of pests that can hide in a colony like this. What you...
  4. luvmyreef

    Reviving zoanthids?

    That is a nice size colony. It looks like some are opening. I would definitely dip them though, probably a few times over the course of quarantine. Keep your parameters in the norm, and watch your flow as well. Ive had to move zoos to different locations in my tank many times. I usually ended up...
  5. luvmyreef

    Luvmyreef's 20g Nano Build

    Thank you. The tank was changed up a bit since those pics. It is ridiculous on the steps to upload pics, resizing, etc or I would post new ones.
  6. luvmyreef


    Imforbis, Your absolutely right. I am actually using dry rock from my 180 for my new 40g breeder with live sand and a couple pieces of real live rock. I have also used the "life rock" by caribsea and find nothing wrong with that either. No pests, good color, and my corals actually grew on it. I...
  7. luvmyreef

    Reviving zoanthids?

    Coral rx is a good dip to use.
  8. luvmyreef


    Yep, personal preference. I have done a bare bottom before and didn't care for it. I like the look of sand. Good luck with your set up. Post pics! :)
  9. luvmyreef

    Luvmyreef's 20g Nano Build

    Well, the reactor worked like a charm. With the reactor, rinsing of all food and frequent water changes, all algae disappeared. I am in the process of transferring everything into a 40g breeder so I will start a new thread on that. This will probably be temporary because we may be moving in the...
  10. luvmyreef


    I personally use both. Also, it depends on the fish you want as well. For example, a yellow watchman goby likes to burrow and likes/needs the sand...:)
  11. luvmyreef

    Reviving zoanthids?

    Well, it can be a number of things. My experience is that they may not like the flow they were in, or the light, or something is bothering them. Use a magnifying glass to check for anything around the polyps like pests or algae, etc. also check for zoa pox, etc. A coral dip is good to use as...
  12. luvmyreef

    Luvmyreef's 20g Nano Build

    Ok, so for those who care, I put the mini reactor into use tonight. Thank you BRS. Seems like a great little product. I'm running a mix of rox carbon and Gfo. The algae has gotten worse so I hope this will help. I only feed frozen fish food such as mysis and brine shrimp, and I do not over feed...
  13. luvmyreef

    Luvmyreef's 20g Nano Build

    Pic of the growth so far..... The red monti cap The setosa New addition :) Problem algae.. :(
  14. luvmyreef

    Should I add more CUC

    I would add a few snails. Banded trochus snails are a really good option.
  15. luvmyreef

    Luvmyreef's 20g Nano Build

    Ok, just an update. I am getting decent growth of the coral but I feel it could be better. Also, my green slimmer still has not colored back up after it lost color in quarantine. It's a light flesh color with bright lime green polyps. I never had issues with metal halides and color. I have...
  16. luvmyreef

    Live Rock or Life Rock

    Well, having been in the hobby for many years I can give my honest opinion on this. I have used live rock before and I am currently using life rock in my nano. I really like it. It has beautiful coloration and shapes. It is easily aquascaped. And the best part is pest free. I used...
  17. luvmyreef

    Luvmyreef's 20g Nano Build

    The setosa. [/URL][/IMG] The red and green monti cap frags. [/URL][/IMG] A few shots of my pair of clowns. [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG]
  18. luvmyreef

    Luvmyreef's 20g Nano Build

    So, just an update. This little tank is doing good. I changed the aquascape some. Here is an updated pic. A few of the crew are hiding. I added a couple coral. The green acropora lost a little color during quarantine but is coloring back up nicely. [/URL][/IMG]
  19. luvmyreef

    Luvmyreef's 20g Nano Build

    Thanks! It did take the gramma longer to settle in for some reason. I actually thought the goby would be worse but it wasn't. They are all doing great. :)
  20. luvmyreef

    Luvmyreef's 20g Nano Build

    So, here is the "new crew" all settled in the DT. Doing Well!! :) [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG]