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  1. brandom

    How many members should i have in my cleanup crew?

    I have a 54 gal. corner (the pic of this tank is posted in the share your aquarium as "my 1st tank... 54 corner") How many hermits and snails should i have total. currently i have 5 hermits, 2 mex turbo snails, 1 emerald crab, and 1 regular snail. One person at the lfs said maybe 25 hermits...
  2. brandom

    Problem with flame angel???

    Well after 7 days the flame passed... just seemed to keep losing weight... my parameters are ammonia and nitrate-0 and nitrates 5-10... dont know the cause, but he was not being harrassed or anything. I have been trying to get my calcium up to 400+, but doing so as a slower rate than suggested...
  3. brandom

    My 1st tank... 54 corner

    the one that got sucked into the power head (which was the second one that this happened to, but on a maxi-jet 600 with no mod and no cover over the intake on the first cardinal) seemed to be good friends with the sixline, and they stuck together pretty closely. At the lfs they told me to get...
  4. brandom

    Problem with flame angel???

    hey thanks again for the responses from everyone! So i guess i should consider adding some more live rock. I just got hired at a lfs so i will be learning a lot more now! very exciting! and i will get a discount. great looking tanks crypt an nycbob !! I cant wait till mine look like those...
  5. brandom

    Problem with flame angel???

    hey thanks for the advice.... i will find some good rock to add. I just was a little confused cuz the lfs said you cannot add live rock to a cycled tank, so i added the base rock on top. Thanks B
  6. brandom

    My 1st tank... 54 corner

    thanks fo r the responses guys... there is actually a decent amount of coraline algae all over, but the emerald keeps eating it off lol ! I just saw the first speck of purple on the new base rock today. maybe i can get some better pics that show this. again thanks, it is great to have a...
  7. brandom

    My 1st tank... 54 corner

    This is my first aquarium (54 corner). I would appreciate any comments/ advice. It has been set up for about 1 month now. The 50lbs of live rock came from a fish only tank of 2 years. 12 lbs of base rock added a week ago which is obviously the white rock on top, and 70 lbs live sand. I have...
  8. brandom

    Problem with flame angel???

    here is a pic b4 adding some additional base rock (11 lbs.) to the 50 lbs. pictured here as well as before my uv sterilizer was hooked up and b4 brushing away algae with a toothbrush and 6 hermit crabs and 1 snail. there is 1 emrald crab doing most of the cleaning in this pic. and about 30 more...
  9. brandom

    Problem with flame angel???

    It seems as though since i started my uv up, i have little new algae growth. should i turn it off so more grows for the flame angel. It is a new tank, but there seems to be significant algae and it probably has grown to 1/4 inch in several places and i actually cleaned much of it up with a...
  10. brandom

    Problem with flame angel???

    Ya i will ask the store what they fed it before, he does seem to eat, just doesnt enthusiastically go after what i drop in like the others. I do not notice any spots or anything on his skin this morning. Looks healthy. Thanks for the response, and i will just give him some time to get used to...
  11. brandom

    bristle worm

    my peppermint and sixline eat them. Arrow crabs supposedly good. i would try an arrow.
  12. brandom

    Six Line Wrasse?

    are flatworms and bristles the same? My peppermint grabbed a bristle off the rock and the sixline snatched it up. When i put my six with my 3 pajamas, he was very active and aware of everyones location at all times and controlled their space, but when i added a flame angel, he immediately...
  13. brandom

    Problem with flame angel???

    I just got a flame angel 3 days ago, and it is about 3 in. long. It was immediately obsessed with trying to get my peppermint shrimp to clean it... but the shrimp will not. I do not yet have a cleaner shrimp. I was worried it may have parasites. It seems today as though a tiny white speck...
  14. brandom

    Is my tank going to cycle???

    Thank you very much for the reply... I will consider getting a fish! Yay... maybe a ocellaris pair. Hope 2 would not be overkill.
  15. brandom

    cleaner shrimp antenna

    me 2 lol! i thought i was hallucinating!
  16. brandom

    Is my tank going to cycle???

    Hello, Im new to this amazing hobby, and I have a 55 gal corner tank with sump "bioballs" and it has been up and running for 2 wks now. I added 50 lbs. live rock from a fish only tank of 2 yrs. ... when i got the rock i put it directly into buckets and kept it submerged in water during...