Six Line Wrasse?


I've heard conflicting reports on the aggressiveness of these fish. What do you think of mixing them with...
blue hippo
2 anthias
3 chromis
percula clown
****yellow wrasse---this is the one I'm really worried about
My tank is extremely peaceful, I don't want to rock the boat. Also, has anyone had any success with them eating flatworms?


I have my 6-line in the 54g with 1 firefish, 2 perc clowns, 2 yellow clown goby's, 1 scooter blennie, and 1 longfin sleeper goby....there is no aggression in my tank


Maybe I don't have a scooter blennie

I realized after I typed that,that I did not see it come out for breakfast, so after looking all over, I don't see it

Maybe it's just hiding.....sigh.....but it's usually always I do not have a good feeling :(


The yellow wrasse is the one to be worried about. The sixline will normally show aggresion toward other wrasses not so much other species of fish. If you want multiple wrasses use the rule of only fairy's and flashers although the yellow coris will fit into the mix.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
My sixline tormented my clown, royal gramma and orchid dotty when they were introduced into my tank when he goes to the great ocean in the sky I will not introduce another one into my tank


Originally Posted by florida joe
My sixline tormented my clown, royal gramma and orchid dotty when they were introduced into my tank when he goes to the great ocean in the sky I will not introduce another one into my tank
To add on to what Joe said and to make myself clearer. I meant to say not as likely but that dosn't mean they won't. The other wrasse is Definetly a no no. Notice the people that said they didn't have problems also didn't list another wrasse in their stocklist.


Active Member
I had a sixline in my 45g tank, and it basically tormented even itself in the reflection of the glass. It was constantly posturing and basically it was a 45g tank with that wrasse. I would say that unless this is a pretty large tank (over 5' long) it is a definite risk (even in a larger tank it is but maybe less). There are always exceptions, but it is a risk. If you don't want to risk the peace, then I would not combine the two wrasses.


Thanks everyone....I kind of figured the two wrasses wouldn't mix well. I've had the yellow wrasse for 2 years and his adult coloring is just coming into his face. I wouldn't want to do anything that might hurt him. I was hoping it would be okay, because they are beautiful fish and I am trying to find a natural way to combat my little flatworm problem.


Originally Posted by nina&noah
Thanks everyone....I kind of figured the two wrasses wouldn't mix well. I've had the yellow wrasse for 2 years and his adult coloring is just coming into his face. I wouldn't want to do anything that might hurt him. I was hoping it would be okay, because they are beautiful fish and I am trying to find a natural way to combat my little flatworm problem.
I'm surprised that your wrasse dosn't already take care of them.


Active Member
No problems with my six-line in my 90 reef with 2 tangs, clown, chromis and a yellow tailed damsel. He's one of my favorite additions with lots of personality but wow.. sounds like others have had problems.


Active Member
They are a gorgeous fish - heck, I tolerated having a single fish in that tank for years! A beauty, and lots of personality yes...but with another wrasse? No way, I wouldn't risk it. :( But as "the" wrasse in the tank, just gorgeous.


I had a Six Line in my 40 gallon and he reeked havoc! He tormented my 2 clowns, attacked my Coral Beauty and killed my Mandarin (yes, I watched him do it!
) I was finally able to catch him in the over flow and brought him the the LFS as a "gift". When I went back two weeks later the owner told me that he beat up fish in two separate tanks and he finally had to get rid of him.
Don't get me wrong, they're a gorgeous fish and some people get lucky, but with another wrasse I definitely would not try it. They're almost impossible to get out of your tank once they're there. My experience with a 6 line has made me weary of all wrasses, that's how horrible he was.
The best way that my husband and I found to combat flat worms was with our Green Spotted Mandarin (of course you need an established reef with plenty of copepods for them) and sucking as many out as possible with airline tubing every other day. Flat worms make me crazy, good luck.


New Member
are flatworms and bristles the same? My peppermint grabbed a bristle off the rock and the sixline snatched it up. When i put my six with my 3 pajamas, he was very active and aware of everyones location at all times and controlled their space, but when i added a flame angel, he immediately mellowed out. They all get along great.


Active Member
BTLDreef;3134337 said:
I had a Six Line in my 40 gallon and he reeked havoc! He tormented my 2 clowns, attacked my Coral Beauty and killed my Mandarin (yes, I watched him do it!
) I was finally able to catch him in the over flow and brought him the the LFS as a "gift". When I went back two weeks later the owner told me that he beat up fish in two separate tanks and he finally had to get rid of him.
Correct me if I am wrong...but don't they eat the same stuff??? And in a 40 gallon tank, were asking for trouble. Mandarins aren't recommended for anything smaller than a 90 (though I got away with a 55 for about 2 years before a heater malfunction)...they alone will deplete the copepod population rather quickly...if you have two creatures that are going after them...well, you do the math!


Well-Known Member
I've never had a problem with my sixline when I had him. Peaceful - grazed on the microfauna between rocks... never bothered any other fish.
I guess it just depends on the individual personality of the fish...