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  1. lake56

    How much Magnesium can I add???

    reguarding the epsom salts... check out this link. its very interesting and worth reading.
  2. lake56

    How much Magnesium can I add???

    Epsom Salts are pure Magnesium Sulfate and will register on a test. I have read about people using it for reef tanks but I have no experience with it... I think my main qustion is weather or not my math is right. adding eight bottles of Magnesium concentrate to my tank over the next two weeks...
  3. lake56

    How much Magnesium can I add???

    I just tested my water...Calcium is low and won;t come up so I tested Magnesium and it is 1140. I would like to raise to about 1350. I have a 75 gallon reef tank with about 25 gallons in sump/fuge. I have a bottle of Julian Sprung's Magnesium Concentrate. If I am doing the math right I would...