How much Magnesium can I add???


New Member
I just tested my water...Calcium is low and won;t come up so I tested Magnesium and it is 1140. I would like to raise to about 1350. I have a 75 gallon reef tank with about 25 gallons in sump/fuge. I have a bottle of Julian Sprung's Magnesium Concentrate. If I am doing the math right I would have to add an entire bottle to the tank every day for the next 8 days to raise the Magnesium level 200 parts per million...I'm scared
this doesn't seem right.
Any help anybody could give would be appreciated.
Has anybody used epsom salts for Magnesium? maybe a cheeper alternative.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Lake56
I just tested my water...Calcium is low and won;t come up so I tested Magnesium and it is 1140. I would like to raise to about 1350. I have a 75 gallon reef tank with about 25 gallons in sump/fuge. I have a bottle of Julian Sprung's Magnesium Concentrate. If I am doing the math right I would have to add an entire bottle to the tank every day for the next 8 days to raise the Magnesium level 200 parts per million...I'm scared
this doesn't seem right.
Any help anybody could give would be appreciated.
Has anybody used epsom salts for Magnesium? maybe a cheeper alternative.

First...never dose what you have no test for...and then you only add if the test shows a need.
If you did a test, it will indicate how high or low the magnesium is. This will give you an idea of how much to dose the water to bring it to the right levels the test kits indicate your tank should be.


It takes a lot of magnesium to boost up your levels. What you are saying sounds about right. Getting it their takes a lot but maintaining it isn't that bad.


New Member
Epsom Salts are pure Magnesium Sulfate and will register on a test. I have read about people using it for reef tanks but I have no experience with it...
I think my main qustion is weather or not my math is right. adding eight bottles of Magnesium concentrate to my tank over the next two weeks seems excessive and maybe even dangerous because magnesium has a negative effect on alkalinity. I just wanted some reassurance that this is the correct thing to do based on the numbers I previously stated.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Lake56
Epsom Salts are pure Magnesium Sulfate and will register on a test. I have read about people using it for reef tanks but I have no experience with it...
I think my main qustion is weather or not my math is right. adding eight bottles of Magnesium concentrate to my tank over the next two weeks seems excessive and maybe even dangerous because magnesium has a negative effect on alkalinity. I just wanted some reassurance that this is the correct thing to do based on the numbers I previously stated.
thanks, posted the results already...add one dose..wait a day and check it again...if it still needs to raise, add some more...don't do a bottle every day for 8 days...check in between doses until you get it to the desired level.
Epsom salt???..I don't know.


Active Member
why r u adding magnesium in the 1st place? there isnt a need to dose with weekly water change. overdosing will do more harm than goods.


Originally Posted by nycbob
why r u adding magnesium in the 1st place? there isnt a need to dose with weekly water change. overdosing will do more harm than goods.
Actually you do need to be dosing with your water changes. Most salts don't have enough in the mix. I know reef crystals usually tests at 1100. Having the proper magnesium level is vital to keeping proper calcium and alk. Also there have been little to no negative effects with magnesium as high as 2000ppm. i am currently raising mine to that level to fight bryopsis.


What is your alk. Dosent Alk effect your calcium and mag. levels.

bang guy

There have been bad batches of Reef Crystals that have inadequate Magnesium. My understanding is that Aquarium Systems will replace a bad batch of salt if you send them a sample and it tests low in Magnesium.
IMO trying to raise Magnesium over 100ppm takes too much dosing. Find a salt with a proper Magnesium level and do a large water change (>50%).
Also keep in mind that if you don't mix your saltwater to full strength seawater (35ppt) then all of your trace elements will test low. Mixing to 33ppt and having low Magnesium is a very common mistake.