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  1. guentk01

    Newbie has cycling question

    Originally Posted by russwlw2004 from what i've learned from being on this forum. you mentioned your coral beauty and pseudochromis you also seem to have a clown as well. Thats a lot of fish to have already if your not sure your tank is cycled. And having an Anemone in such a young tank is a...
  2. guentk01

    Pseudochromis and a cleaner shrimp question?

    I have a purple pseudo and a coral beauty. The pseudo is chewing the tail off of my coral beauty, so I am going to take the pseudo back to my lfs and trade him for a cleaner shrimp.
  3. guentk01

    Newbie has cycling question

    Originally Posted by PEZenfuego While I had a freshwater tank I researched for 5 months before starting a saltwater tank. I feel that is why I've had success above everything else. While I did not know a whole lot about saltwater tanks by the end of this time, I definitely knew enough to...
  4. guentk01

    Newbie has cycling question

    Originally Posted by florida joe You never want your cycle to be over. You want you tanks biofiltration to be able to cycle organics constantly. Our nitrates need not read zero when you test but your ammonia and nitrites must. With all due respect I think perhaps some research on marine...
  5. guentk01

    Newbie has cycling question

    Originally Posted by Tizzo There is no telling how long it will take without more info... 1. the 10 lbs of LR you added, was it fully cured? Was it mail order? The LS, where'd you get it? But one thing is consistant. The way to tell when your cycle is over... test kits. Ammonia, nitrite...
  6. guentk01

    Newbie has cycling question

    I have a 29 gallon Oceanic biocube that I setup on Sept. 15. I put 10 lbs of live rock in it (I don't want a whole bunch of the rock) and about 15 lbs of live sand in it. I have 3 damsels and 1 turbo snail about 5 other snails (the ones with the long tenacle that bury in the sand) and about 5...
  7. guentk01

    Newbie needs lighting help

    ok thanks for your help!!!
  8. guentk01

    Newbie needs lighting help

    Ok bare with me as I have no clue which light is which, lol So I should have the bright blue (not LEDS) on 30 mintues to an hour before I turn on the daylight bulb (which will look like a 50/50 light) then 30 minutes to an hour before bed I need to go back to the bright blue (not LEDS). Then at...
  9. guentk01

    Newbie needs lighting help

    Ok so I am brand new to the saltwater I bought an Oceanic Biocube 29 gallon and it came with Coralife compact fluorescent light fixture, Lunar Blue-Moon-Glow LEDs. There are 4 settings to the light, the first looks like a regular flourescent light, the second looks like a fifty fifty...