Newbie needs lighting help


New Member
Ok so I am brand new to the saltwater I bought an Oceanic Biocube 29 gallon and it came with Coralife compact fluorescent light fixture, Lunar Blue-Moon-Glow LEDs. There are 4 settings to the light, the first looks like a regular flourescent light, the second looks like a fifty fifty light, the third is very blue and bright and the fourth is the led blue which is not very bright. Which light should I run in the day time and which 1 at night? Or should I change them at certain times? I am sooooo lost.


You need to turn the blue actinic on about 30 min to an hour before turning the daylight bulb on. Run both all day then do the opposite at night with the blue actinic going off last. As for the LED's I just ran mine 24/7. And welcome to SWF


New Member
Ok bare with me as I have no clue which light is which, lol So I should have the bright blue (not LEDS) on 30 mintues to an hour before I turn on the daylight bulb (which will look like a 50/50 light) then 30 minutes to an hour before bed I need to go back to the bright blue (not LEDS). Then at bedtime I just leave the LEDS on?


Originally Posted by GuentK01
Ok bare with me as I have no clue which light is which, lol So I should have the bright blue (not LEDS) on 30 mintues to an hour before I turn on the daylight bulb (which will look like a 50/50 light) then 30 minutes to an hour before bed I need to go back to the bright blue (not LEDS). Then at bedtime I just leave the LEDS on?
That is correct