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  1. youpey

    back in the game

    pic from yesterday right after i added the rock, so it was still cloudy. i re-arranged the rock a bit and i think it looks great now. i do have one thing i am pretty sure it is aptasia. i will buy some joes juice tomorrow to clear it up
  2. youpey

    back in the game

    i checked my ammonia, nitrites and nitrates today just to see how the cycle was going, and shockingly i found ammonia = 0 nitrites = 0 nitrates = 20 i am not going to add a fish yet because i know the tank hasnt cycled in that short amount of time, and i dont want to go backwards in my cycle by...
  3. youpey

    back in the game

    I got all of my live rock in today and i put it in the tank. i bought 21lbs, which was a tad bit too much. i didnt use 1 piece, and i had to break a couple of the larger pieces into smaller pieces. on to the good stuff (hitchhikers) I found 2 very small LIVE emerald crabs hidden hanging out in...
  4. youpey

    back in the game

    i got the live rock in 21lbs was too much. i broke some into smaller pieces to get it to fit, but i ended up not using 2 pieces. i just looked too crowded. i think it might still be a tad crowded, but i think it looks good. i took a pic, but my sis in law has my card reader, so i cant post yet...
  5. youpey

    back in the game

    Originally Posted by meowzer LOL...YEAH...we want step by step pictures.... you got it.
  6. youpey

    back in the game

    I finally ordered 21lbs of cured live rock, which should be in tomorrow. i got chemi-pure elite, some filter floss, carbon and my test kit i am just waiting on the rock arriving, the media tray, which i can add whenever it comes in, i still need to buy the maxiplus 900, the koralia 1 and...
  7. youpey

  8. youpey

    back in the game

    i have decided to get the maxi jet 900 and get rid of the bioballs for some media in bay 2. the cloudyness didnt clear up so i am doing those changes and getting an additional powerhead. i am not happy that the tank still hasnt cleared up nicely
  9. youpey

    14gallon LR questions and other misc

    so i shouldnt bother with the sand?
  10. youpey

    14gallon LR questions and other misc

    i have had my tank running for about 3 or 4 days now. it doesnt have any live rock in it or anything besides crushed coral and saltwater. i know the cycle hasnt started since i havent got anything in it the tank is an oceanic biocube 14g. i am doing the maxi jet 900 pump upgrade, and i will be...
  11. youpey

    back in the game

    finally got salinity level right. i think i lost count somewhere when adding it. now i cant wait for the cloudyness to subside. maybe after a day or 2 of not touching it will settle down. i am worried the oceanic filter is not strong enough for a salt tank. on my old tank i had a canister filter...
  12. youpey

    back in the game

    after a days worth of disaster i finally got my biocube filled with crushed coral and saltwater the tank was wobbling when i put it on the stand. i assumed the stand was bad since it was old, so i went out and bought a stand specifically for biocubes. 181 dollars later i get home to find the...
  13. youpey

    difference between true and false percs?

    the differences are the number of dorsal fins, the eyes are different colors and the true percs have more black then occ. mixing those clowns are OK as long as they arent both female
  14. youpey

    back in the game

    29 gallon
  15. youpey

    back in the game

    Originally Posted by troy989 wtf! y didnt he tell u he didnt want it or put it on craigslist or give it away he shouldnt have just let them die! yeah, i probably had 2k worth of stuff, including lights, filter and other stuff in the tank. there really wasnt room in my new place for the 29...
  16. youpey

    Clown hosting with Xenia and GBTA

    Originally Posted by troy989 i think ur only suposed to have a max of 2 clowns. technically you can have more, provided the ones that are more then the pair have no gender yet. they may fight, but not guaranteed to. you are correct though, it is very, very risky anytime you add more then two...
  17. youpey

    will clowns host this?

    one thing that surprisingly works when trying to get a clown to host in an anemone, let the anemone get settled to the point that it plants its foot. wait for night time (or if you can get your tank in complete darkness.) it must be completely dark, if you have moon lights on your hood, unplug...
  18. youpey

    do oceleris and true perc fight?

    be careful when adding a second clown if your original clown was in the tank for around 2 weeks or longer, it will probably have become female since it was the only clown in there. you cant have more then 1 female clown in the same tank. the way clown fish are, all clown fish are no gender when...
  19. youpey

    back in the game

    i was really mad at myself because my wife said i could bring it when we got married and moved in together and i didnt want to move it. i figured i would just get a new one eventually. i didnt think eventually would take more then 3 years. i gave the entire setup to someone she knew, only to...
  20. youpey

    14gallon and clowns

    thanks for the input. i do remember my LFS said it was for salt water it was 5 gal of water for every inch of fish (maximum size). since occ. clowns get up to 3 inches, i would need 15gal. since i have only 14gal, the 1 clown would be slightly more then max. i also dont have a backup for when...