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  1. nnw03

    Can anyone identify what hitch hiker is on this snail??

    So Hi, welcome to the site! ...Red macroalgae. It's too small of a sample for me to really tell which could be gracilaria or botryocladia. I have it all over my snails, it won't hurt them but if you have corals you won't want that red spreads everywhere. We don't have coral...
  2. nnw03

    Can anyone identify what hitch hiker is on this snail??

    This is on one of the snails we ordered! Not sure what it is! Anyone have any idea? Thanks in advance.
  3. nnw03

    What could this be?

    Let me correct myself SHE hasnt touched it She has eggs lmao
  4. nnw03

    What could this be?

    ah Okay will look into that! Thank you very much I have a peppermint shrimp but he hasnt touched it
  5. nnw03

    What could this be?

    I just recently started a nano 10 gallon. It's cycled and actually doing really well. We noticed about a week after we bought some live rock that this was going... Any ideas what exactly it is?