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  1. supertank

    new light and my fish

    I just upgraded myself to a MH fixture. It took a couple days for my fish to get used to it. They all seem to be doing fine now after about a week. One more quick tip.. Watch your tank temp with the new lighting. It is sure to go up a couple more degrees then before. Mine touched 86 degrees...
  2. supertank

    Feather Duster shortened its tube?

    I have dwarf duster that when I got him, his tube was about 3 inches long. After placing him in my tank, there was about 2 inches of the tube showing, but over a course of about 4 months, he trimmed his tube all the way down flush with the sand. He is finally starting to build it back up now...
  3. supertank

    Showing off. Coolest New Addition!

    Well, I thought I would share my experience so far with this worm. Unfortunately my thought that a snail bought the farm last night was not correct. All snails accounted for. However, there was some flesh on one power head this morning, and I finally figured out what it was from. The pictures...
  4. supertank

    Just a Thought

    Thanks for the info all. I have actually decided against this project, and just have a plane old QT tank.
  5. supertank

    Showing off. Coolest New Addition!

    Thank you all for the compliments, and all the great information. I really appreciate it. As far as cost, he ran me $18 since he was on sale. Update: So far so good. I had a little scare this morning when I woke up and saw what looked like some pieces of the worm on one of my power heads...
  6. supertank

    Showing off. Coolest New Addition!

    Wow, complete buzz kill. Thanks for letting me know though.
  7. supertank

    Showing off. Coolest New Addition!

    Hi All, I swung by my LFS today only get some salt water, and check out what's on sale for Black Friday. Low and behold, this beautiful Madusa Worm was hanging out in one of the tanks. I couldn't pass it up specially since he was marked down 50%. By far one of the coolest additions. Enjoy.
  8. supertank

    Showing off. Coolest New Addition!

    Hi All, I swung by my LFS today only get some salt water, and check out what's on sale for Black Friday. Low and behold, this beautiful Madusa Worm was hanging out in one of the tanks. I couldn't pass it up specially since he was marked down 50%. By far one of the coolest additions...
  9. supertank

    BTLDReef's 155G Update

    Thanks for the info on the Sun Coral partner. I appreciate that, and will take heed to your advice when shopping for one. I see you added some more cool pics. I like. That's awesome how the two clowns both have there seperate anem close by. It's like his and hers walk-in closets. That's...
  10. supertank

    My 90g reef

    That's an awesome looking tank. Looks like it has been up and running for some time now. How mature is it? Anyway, keep up the great work!!!
  11. supertank

    BTLDReef's 155G Update

    That's a good looking tank. That Fox Coral looks awesome. Look forward to some future pictures, so keep up the good work. By the way, what and how often do you feed your sun coral? I'm looking at get one myself. Thanks.
  12. supertank

    Low Down on Calcium, DKH and PH

    Thanks Loopy. I'll see what I can find.
  13. supertank

    Low Down on Calcium, DKH and PH

    Can someone please give me the low down on Calcium, DKH, and PH as far as there relationship? I've tried to research this topic, but everything that I find is over my head with technicals. I tested my water tonight, and currently my tank readings are as follows: Calcium -- 460 DKH -- 8 PH --...
  14. supertank

    Just a Thought

    Hi all, Just a quick question. Does anyone know if Macro Algea can be hurt by fish medication? The reason that I ask is that I want to double my QT tank as a small display tank, and I know that I can't have any corals or inverts in a tank that gets medication dosing for sick or new fish. I...
  15. supertank

    Full Aquarium Shots....

    Here is a couple pictures of my 6mo old 75G.
  16. supertank

    Daily Diatoms

    Snails are deffinetly on my list of things to get real soon, but as you said, I am worried about the hermits launching an offensive on them to claim there shells. I keep getting hermits as hitchhikers lately. I suppose that's a good thing though. I have got at least 7 hermits in the last...
  17. supertank

    Updated photos of my 75g

    YThank you for the compliment RedSea. I appreciate that. It's deffinetly a learning process, but I think so far, so good. Thanks Again.
  18. supertank

    new Sump/refugium questions

    I am relatively new to reef keeping, so maybe I have my terminology wrong, but I believe I am looking at setting up a Fuge / Sump. I think the original poster of this thread is as well. So here is the question again. Is cycling a Fuge seperate from the main tank a good idea or not. I Googled...
  19. supertank

    new Sump/refugium questions

    Okay, I understand what you are talking about as far as not having a valve on the feed line. That makes sense. However, my sump, and I believe the original poster's sump, will have Live Sand, Rock, and Macro Algea. It won't be just water. That's why cycling the sump/fuge made sense to me. Am...
  20. supertank

    Daily Diatoms

    My fault on the lights. I just looked at them, and they are 4x54 watts. 2 Acs. and 2 12000k whites. I just replaced all four of these bulbs recently. One bulb every 4 or 5 days. Sorry for the bad info. I don't know why I thought they were 65 watts. And Yes, I only use RO/DI water for...