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  1. mr.krabbz

    So... I had a little accident!!!

    Ok, here is the jist of things. I scored a 55 gallon tank with 70lbs live rock and a beautiful naso. The tank was in very bad condition, very neglected. So it took me two hours to take everything apart and get it loaded in the truck. Just when i went to shut the tailgate it struck the bulkhead...
  2. mr.krabbz

    DIY spray bar

    I thank all yous guys for all your help. Im sorry that it has taken me so long to reply, I have been really busy running around like a crazy person. But it is all over now, I finally got married on saturday so all runnin around for wedding stuff is all over.
  3. mr.krabbz

    DIY spray bar

    thanks for the help. As for my tank it is a 29 gallon all glass tank.
  4. mr.krabbz

    DIY spray bar

    Hi there, Does anyone know if there is a way to build a homemade spray bar to fit a fluval 405 canister filter? And does somebody out there know of a way to make a fairly cheap HOB overflow? Thanks for any and all help
  5. mr.krabbz

    My 20 Gallon fully stocked Reef

    Tank looks great If you dont mind me asking but, how much are you looking to get out of that great setup? just curious
  6. mr.krabbz

    90 Gallon build from the stand up

    I really love the setup man you did an awesome job keep up the good work and pics lol. I am still tagging along. P.S. Did you keep from cycling the new tank by using your water from your 50 gallon tank?
  7. mr.krabbz

    What are they??

    that looks like them. is there some thing i can do to get rid of them? Or should i try to pick them out by hand?
  8. mr.krabbz

    What are they??

    They move all over. I have seen a tiny snail in there before but it has a black and white shell and is about three times as big. i keep seein more and more of them and usually they are in a group about three or four of them together. i watch them for a little bit then they eventually disapear...
  9. mr.krabbz

    What are they??

    I have just noticed a few tiny white snails in my tank. They have long spiral all white shells. Are they good or bad? is it something i should worry about? Thanks for all your help
  10. mr.krabbz

    Transformation Tank 10 gal Diaries

    hope to see some pics soon. I will be following this thread. Good luck and keep us posted.
  11. mr.krabbz

    Another anemone feed question...sorry

    It is true that your clowns will feed the nem I had a gbta and my maroon fed it all the time. As for the size problem my only guess is that it might take some time for it to get used to the clowns hosting it. How long have they been hosting the nem?
  12. mr.krabbz

    quick question

    thank you for the information. I guess the guy at my lfs does not know what he is talking about. lol I wish i could find someone locally that is as good as the people on this site. I am still knew to this hobby so any little bit of info i can get helps
  13. mr.krabbz

    quick question

    is it possible to mate a maroon clown and a yellow stripe maroon clown?
  14. mr.krabbz

    quick question

    I know this question has probably been asked a million times. But i figured this is the best place to go. What are some good books for the novice aquarist. I dont need anything to explain how to set one up, but more along the lines of mantaining water quality. And maybe something to kinda...
  15. mr.krabbz

    My New/First 125 Build

    what are the dimensions of your stand?
  16. mr.krabbz

    GBTA split questions

    thanks for the info. i thought it was really cool too. Is there a reason that it split? I heard it can be caused from stress.
  17. mr.krabbz

    GBTA split questions

    I have had a GBTA for two months and it split in two on its own. I was just wondering what the good and bad things to watch for in the healing process? Also how long is the healing process supposed to take? Thanks for any advice
  18. mr.krabbz

    Full Aquarium Shots....

    Thats a GREAT tank devil dog. How much LR did you have to use for that rock structure?
  19. mr.krabbz

    New to the salt Fish world, plz help

    Im a newb too but i have read about dosing your tank with diluted vinegar to raise PH. something like 100:1 ratio but like i said i have no experience with this just read some info the other day. good luck with your problem hope you can fix it soon and i hope we dont lose you as a hobbyist...
  20. mr.krabbz

    Rose bubble Anemone

    I think it can be done I have a GBTA under PC's and she is doing just fine. Good luck with yours, hope it works out for you.