Search results

  1. frostymug

    LFS has STUPIDLY caused another potential DEATH

    Saul, not sure if you are willing to drive to Kannapolis, but I live in Salisbury and go to Greendales in Kannapolis. It is not a huge store, but she has a great selection of healthy saltwater fish. She doesn't have much in the way of corals, but she has a great staff and has always been...
  2. frostymug

    Coral Beauty with strange spots on Sides

    Beth, I am having one of those Mondays. When I got home my digital camera decided to have the battery go dead, so I couldn't take a picture. I took a close look at my coral beauty and thought I would give you some more info. He is about 3-4 inches big so I assume he is not a juvi. The spots...
  3. frostymug

    Coral Beauty with strange spots on Sides

    Beth, Thanks for the response. I have had him for right at a month. The spots run pretty much in a small group on one side and then on the other side there is just one semi large spot. They are not all the same size some are larger than others but they seem to run in a straight line. I will...
  4. frostymug

    Coral Beauty with strange spots on Sides

    I have a 55 gal FOWLR. I have a Coral Beauty, 6 line, and 2 false percs. My Coral Beauty has these areas on both of his sides that look like he has been scratched or bitten. They are not ick, nothing white about them, they just look like something meesed his sides up. All of my tank para...
  5. frostymug

    Cycling with Live Rock, Questions??

    Thanks for the advice, but just to clarify I have one saltwater already a 30 gallon, so I am not totally new to the hobby. I am new to cycling with Live Rock on the other hand.
  6. frostymug

    Cycling with Live Rock, Questions??

    I just put 45lbs of live rock from Flying FIsh Express in my new 55gal on Friday afternoon. This is GREAT rock, full of life and some great sizes. I put the rock in my tank to cycle and on Saturday morning I check my ammonia out of curiosity. Well it is off the charts and my nirities are on...
  7. frostymug

    Off Topic - Dogs

    NYY Fan, I couldn't agree with you more on those Labs! I have a 120lb Chocolate male that thinks he owns the joint! He's food bill is one reason why there isn't another one in the back yard!! But you are so right I thought he was expensive...then I met the SW habit!! <img...
  8. frostymug

    55 gal for my Birthday! Need Help

    broomer and fshub, I know very little about a sup, so can you give me a little more info on one, or where I can find some info? Thanks for your suggestions!
  9. frostymug

    55 gal for my Birthday! Need Help

    Hey Shelley, I will certainly pass that info along!! Although I put quite a dent in his wallet with this one!! ;)
  10. frostymug

    55 gal for my Birthday! Need Help

    My husband gave me an early birthday gift this weekend, a 55 gallon tank! I have a 30 gallon that I converted to SW and have fallen in love with my new hobby. I need some help on the items that I need to get with the tank. I plan on having a FOWLR and a DSB. What equipment should I get?? I...
  11. frostymug

    What does everyone do for a living?

    lore-I have to tell you this board is starting to get strange. Its not like Salisbury or Lexington are metro ares, but we have a strong showing in this world I guess! I have heard of your grandfather before, it really is a small world!!
  12. frostymug


    Yes, I went to North, graduated in 92!!! You have got to be kidding!!! I will email you those directions....and to think I might already know you! This is just wild!!!!
  13. frostymug


    I can not believe this! I grew up in Midway, so I know Reedy Creek very well! One of my best friends just moved to Reedy Creek a while back! I actually lived downtown in Lexington until I got engaged then moved to Salisbury. I still work in Lexington, or actually Tyro. Small World I tell...
  14. frostymug

    What does everyone do for a living?

    BettrDaz-I am from Lexington, and work in Lexington too! Now thats a small world when two people from Lexington NC end up posting on the same board! :D
  15. frostymug

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I work in the Furniture Industry, importing wood from South America, and no I do not cut don't the rain forest ;) ! I also get the honor or curse of working for my Dad. I guess that is why I get to post on here during the day!
  16. frostymug

    Just the facts!

    NYY wanted to ask you a quick question...I am from Salisbury, and am looking for another lfs. Where do you buy fish in Charlotte? I shop at a store in Kannapolis right now that is great, but I want to find another good store in the Charlotte area. Any help you could give me would be great...
  17. frostymug

    New to this and need some good advice!

    Also, thewolfman777 I used an additive the lsf recomenned called PRIME. I hope that I haven't added something to slow the cycle down!! UGGHHH!! Way to much to learn!
  18. frostymug

    New to this and need some good advice!

    Thank you everyone for the advice! My substrate is aruba shells, at least I think that was the name of it. It is crushed shells and coral from Aruba, the lfs said it would work well. As far as the damsels I would have much rather used the shrimp, but the lfs was where I got all the initial...
  19. frostymug

    New to this and need some good advice!

    I converted my freshwater tank to saltwater New Years Day. Since this is my first attempt at a SW tank I am doing a fish only. I have a 30 gallon eclipse system with the filter bio-wheel in the hood. I have 5 damsels in the tank to cycle, they have been in since 1/4/02. My problem is that...