Cycling with Live Rock, Questions??


New Member
I just put 45lbs of live rock from Flying FIsh Express in my new 55gal on Friday afternoon. This is GREAT rock, full of life and some great sizes. I put the rock in my tank to cycle and on Saturday morning I check my ammonia out of curiosity. Well it is off the charts and my nirities are on the rise as well. My question is this, the tank smells awful right now so I assume this is due to some die off on the rock, is there anything I need to be doing? I am not turning on any lights except when check the levels in the tank. How long should this ammonia last, I just want to be sure that I am not neglecting anything. Any advice would be great!
Also, I have not purchased a skimmer as of yet, still trying to figure out what I need for a 55gal. I do not have a sump, I have a mxi-jet 1200 for the powerhead and a millenium 3000 filter. Do I need to add anything else? I know a skimmer, and I do plan on adding one in the next week or so.
Welcome to the hobby. I am in Jacksonville, NC. I cycled with LR from this site. Rock was in great shape when I got it, had some die off but it came back real fast. Rock never smelled bad and tank didn't either...guess I can't help you there as far as time lines. My tank cycled in 3 weeks with the rock from
We started with a 55 gallon 3 months ago and are now cycling our new (used) 105 gallon Oceanic. Just getting ready to order LR again.


if your cycling the tank with the lr just let it go, the smell is probably from die off. this is how i cycled my 75 the same way. i suggest not doing any water changes because you can prolong the cycle by doing this. keep the lights off like you are, running them can promote more of an alge bloom than you want. chances are you are going to get one anyway but wont be as bad. there is no set time on how long the cycle goes just keep monitering the water to tell where your parameters are. it could take 2 weeks to 2 mths.
the skimmer is a good idea but there is no rush for them. skimmers are personal opinion on whether to get one or not.
here is a good site that may help you out also
<a href="" target="_blank">starting marines</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">reef 101</a>


New Member
Thanks for the advice, but just to clarify I have one saltwater already a 30 gallon, so I am not totally new to the hobby. I am new to cycling with Live Rock on the other hand.
I cured my live rock in the garage because I had been warned about the smell. My rock had been sitting for a few days in a storage box because the lfs didn't have a place to put it. They gave me a great deal on it for that reason...But it also had heavy die-off. Good thing I put it in the garage....I could barely walk through without gagging.
Good luck!


I would buy either a bakpak or a seaclone skimmer for your tank as soon as posible its the most important piece of filtration you have.

sinner's girl

"I would buy either a bakpak or a seaclone skimmer for your tank as soon as posible its the most important piece of filtration you have."
As someone else said this is a matter of opinion. we don't have one, and our levels are perfect everytime i check (even though i can't remember the last time did a water change...). depending on what else you hav as filter and what's in your tank. read up about them before you spend the money. it seems many people buy them, use them for a short while then turn them off for whatever reason.


Frosty I too cycled my 55 with 45lbs from FF express. I know what you mean about the ammonia, mine did the same thing. After about six days the ammonia came down and the nitrites started up. Total cycle took about 13 days.
Hang in there.
Scott :D


You could use something like Chemi-Pure or an activated charcoal if you want. ;)
Boyd's is very good IMO.


I cycled my 55gal with 30 lbs LR. I didnt even see the cycle. Didnt add any fish till week 4. I did however add 6 blue leg hermits to eat the algea and a green crab.
2 whisper filters
1 120 gph power head
2 15 watt 50/50s
30 lbs LR
4 inch sand bed
6 blue leg hermits
2 astrea snails
1 green crab
1 royal gramma
1 green chromis