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  1. foxface88

    Clown fish laying her eggs

    This is the second time she has laid eggs, just sharing some pics to those I know would appreciate it! This hatch is kinda our of the question but I've read up on the process of hatching the eggs in the breeders section and read a thread on the way to do it so when these hatch ill try and put a...
  2. foxface88

    Mojano help!

    My question is, I had a Mojano out break in my tank while I was away for work. A lot of it was on rock that didn't have any corals attached to them so I took those rocks out of the tank and put hydrogen peroxide on them to kill it all per advice from the LFS but after doing so I started thinking...
  3. foxface88

    Was this just a coincidence?

    I knew they had a shelf life to them but I forgot what it was. I have been testing with the API nitrates every week since I started using the nitrate remover and chaeto and it went from 20 gradually down to 0 over the last month. Im very careful as far as cleaning products goes, I use vinager on...
  4. foxface88

    Was this just a coincidence?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jstdv8 you didn't happen to move the powerheads in a way that they were deeper in the tank than before and didn't allow for any surface aggitation? This could cause CO2 buildup in the water and they would run out of O2. You'd usually see the fish on the bottom...
  5. foxface88

    Was this just a coincidence?

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef How aggressive are your clowns? How old are your test kits and what brand? My clowns aren't aggresive at all they kinda hang out by their anemone at the bottom of the tank, My master test kit is a Tetra has everything but the nitrates and calcium which are...
  6. foxface88

    Was this just a coincidence?

    Yea so weird right? I called my buddy that works at the LFS I go to and he said the same thing.. heh.
  7. foxface88

    Was this just a coincidence?

    Basically what happenend was, about 2 months ago I had a 40gal. tall tank with only 1 powerhead and the return flow from my canister filter. My tank at the time was mostly soft corals and a Few LPS. I started thinking I didnt have enough movement inside my tank so I ordered a Koralia evolution...
  8. foxface88

    Im looking into getting a lighting system and need some help on which one to get.

    I have a 40 gal tall tank and I run 4x32 watt High Output T5's, I like this setup. I can do all soft corals and LPS. I recently added a sump so i could get my nitrates down below 5 so I can do SPS. I added a green and a pink birdsnest SPS about 3 weeks ago and placed them at the top of my tank...
  9. foxface88

    Green Star Polyps

    I noticed my star polyp likes moderate amount of flow, it grew a bunch the first month i had it then slowly started dying. I noticed it was starting to get fine particles collecting on it but when i added another powerhead to my tank and it gave more flow to the star polyp area it blew all of...
  10. foxface88

    picking fish

    Butterfly fish are pretty neat looking and the eat aptasia, but the also will pick at other corals, so ive been told anyway. So if you are looking to make a reef tank they might not be the best choice.
  11. foxface88

    Canister Filters? Will too much Filtration turn into a bad thing?

    Its another way to filter your tank, I made mine myself out of a smaller 10gal tank. They have a few different purposes like, add water volume, become a place to put all your heaters, canister filter, chillers, protein skimmers, etc. The water basically flows into the sump tank where its skimmed...
  12. foxface88

    Canister Filters? Will too much Filtration turn into a bad thing?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SMorrical24 So you guys wouldnt get a uv sanitizer if it was build in on the canister filter? If they kill the good bacteria too, then why would anyone use them? UV sterilizers kill the algae bacteria and are supposed to cut down on algae growth, ive heard they dont...
  13. foxface88

    Neon Goby

    Was at the fish store today and saw they had some neon gobys i thought they were pretty cool and would be perfect for my 40 gal. was wondering if i could have more than 1 in my tank? I didn't ask the LFS because most likely they would have said yes then tried to have sold me a lion fish...
  14. foxface88

    aquarium coral glue

    thanks guys, I have to go to homedepot today anyway so ill check that out.
  15. foxface88

    aquarium coral glue

    Can anyone recommend a good coral adhesive, bassically i have my live rock formation kinda stacked how i like it and my corals are just kinda wedged into which isn't ideal I was trying to just find spot where they all liked it and were looked good at the same time, so is there a way to glue the...
  16. foxface88

    Sump/refugium/chaeto question

    Quote: Originally Posted by deejeff442 i f i remember right the light should be plenty.the chaeto will grow.problem is if it does grow too fast and has no nitrates to feed on it will be malnourished.i would let it you have a powerhead or some kind of water movement for it?some like theirs...
  17. foxface88

    Sump/refugium/chaeto question

    I was reading some of the old post's on here and it got me thinking i might not have enough chaeto in my refugium to reduce the the nitrates. My DT is only 40 gal. and the sump/refug is 10 gal because that is the biggest size that would fit under my tank in the stand. I have about a baseball...
  18. foxface88

    Half my tank died!

    IMO Hydor Koralia makes good powerheads I found mine online for pretty cheap compared to my LFS around 25 bucks i beleave, I have 2 in my 40 gal. I would do like everyone said and point them to aggitate the surface for o2 exhcange. Adding fish to fast could also have a bad outcome, a tank needs...
  19. foxface88

    Half my tank died!

    Quote:Originally Posted by myevilfriend I added two fairly cheap powerheads last night, I plan on replacing them with better ones in the future of course but walmart was all that was open by the time I got off work. After putting them in, keeping the temp right at 78 overnight, so far nothing...
  20. foxface88

    Half my tank died!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jstdv8 The lack of powerheads is likley your issue. A.) you need good surface aggitation to allow CO2 to escape, if it builds up in the tank then the fish will be looking for O2 Powerheads also move the water around and push it through the live rock so that the...