Basically what happenend was, about 2 months ago I had a 40gal. tall tank with only 1 powerhead and the return flow from my canister filter. My tank at the time was mostly soft corals and a Few LPS. I started thinking I didnt have enough movement inside my tank so I ordered a Koralia evolution the 750gph and put it on the otherside of my tank and pointed it towards the glass so it would create more surface movement and not blast any corals, at the same time I had put in a piece of coral skeleton I had bought somewhere that looked pretty neat. I had boiled the skeleton and rinced it off really well to try and get it as clean as possible. The next day when I came home from work two of my fish were dead
a coral beauty and a juevenile yellow tail blue tang. the coral beauty I had for almost a year and the blue tang for at least 4 months. I figured it was the piece of coral so I took it out immediately and did a 25% water change. At that time my tank perams where:
amonia/nitirites: 0
Nitrates: 20
pH: 8
Calcium: 480
DKH: 10
SG: 1.025
After that happend I got rid of the canister filter and built a sump/refugium. I added a protein skimmer, 2x32 watt HOT5's, Chaeto and started dosing carbon to reduce phosphates and nitrates. The magnite on the back of my old K2 powerhead lost its attraction to the other cuz I set it next to another magnite and it reversed on me
so i bought another evolution and replaced the K2 with it. When I came home last night two more fish were dead
they were fairly new i bought them to replace the other. This time I went with fish that were more approriate for my tank. A sixline wrasse and a neon goby. A few of my soft corals were shrunk up like they were in shock. The weird part.. I had a fire shrimp I had just bought the day before in there still alive and my maxima clam was open and doing fine, my SPS all had there polyps out and so did my LPS and other soft corals. My ocellaris pair acted like nothing happened, and the royal gramma was acting weird and wouldnt come out of its cave. I checked my water and then did a 25% water change ( I use RODI water from my LFS). My water params last night were:
amonia/nitirites: 0
Nitrates: 0
pH: 8
Calcium: 440
Dkh: 9
SG: 1.024
The best water I have had in the tank since I started this hobby 1.5 years ago. so was just curious if there is something i'm not doing before I put the powerheads in, I rinse them off really well with warm water before I put them in, or if this is just a coincidence.
amonia/nitirites: 0
Nitrates: 20
pH: 8
Calcium: 480
DKH: 10
SG: 1.025
After that happend I got rid of the canister filter and built a sump/refugium. I added a protein skimmer, 2x32 watt HOT5's, Chaeto and started dosing carbon to reduce phosphates and nitrates. The magnite on the back of my old K2 powerhead lost its attraction to the other cuz I set it next to another magnite and it reversed on me

amonia/nitirites: 0
Nitrates: 0
pH: 8
Calcium: 440
Dkh: 9
SG: 1.024
The best water I have had in the tank since I started this hobby 1.5 years ago. so was just curious if there is something i'm not doing before I put the powerheads in, I rinse them off really well with warm water before I put them in, or if this is just a coincidence.