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  1. st3

    help...need advice on 90 gal. tank

    so what kind of skimmer should i buy?
  2. st3

    help...need advice on 90 gal. tank

    i have a 90 gal. tank that was amazing at one point..i spent over 5k on it and through time everything died off slowly..the only fish still alive were my 2 clowns and they eventually died..after all that i kinda gave up on the tank and just let it run with no fish in it for about 4 months..i...
  3. st3

    how long do u wait till ick is gone??

    i waited more than a month to put new livestock in but woke up to my mom and dad who tried to help me by cleaning the tank out by emptying out all my cycled water so i just filled it back up with new dechlorinated salt water..there is nothing in the tank but live rock and hermit crabs and this...
  4. st3

    how long do u wait till ick is gone??

    what if i did a 80 % water change would that help or recycle the tank?thanks
  5. st3

    how long do u wait till ick is gone??

    my tank has been running with no fish in it for a it safe now to add new fish?
  6. st3

    dying anemone

    i got a long tentacle anemone 4 days ago..hes dying..shrunk up real small..should i throw him out asap???hes starting to turn himself inside out...all the fish r good and coral also..the tanks like 3 yrs old..i dunno whats killin him but dont think hell recover..should i toss him over the fence...
  7. st3

    pink cucumbers??? experts only please.

    does ne one know bout the pink cukes????
  8. st3

    pink cucumbers??? experts only please.

    r they ok for a tank or not?my lfs says there not bad and have had them die in thier systems and its ok as long as u dont leave them in there.they think im worrying to much and told me its a real big hype out there about them.they told me that they will get someone to talk to me tommorow over...
  9. st3

    clams and lighting..

    can clams be kept with power compacts?
  10. st3

    what fish r good for a 90 gallon reef?

    just wondering what kind of fish i should put in my little reef.and how many?
  11. st3


    i have a 90 gallon tank with 4 big powerheads and a fluval 404.what should i buy to replace the 404 because it sucks.i know a sumop is the best but i dont wanna drill holes cause its so full.any suggestions??:notsure:
  12. st3

    water changes

  13. st3

    water changes

    i have a 90 gallon tank and have a few fish. how often should i change the water and how much.i used to change 10-15% a month but people told me to do i did a 25 % change and my shrimp died and anemones turned white.
  14. st3

    after LR is dead can u use it still??

    my friend gave up on his tank and left his rock outside in his backyard.its been like 6 months now.can i use this rock still in my tank???
  15. st3

    how do u know if ls is still good?

    how can u tell if ls is still good before purchasing it? should it be a certain color or look a certain way?
  16. st3


    how much and how often should i add calcium? the test kit i got seems like it went bad and dont know my parameters for calcium and i also do not have a sump so kalkawasser is out of the question right? what else should be added on a regular basis to maintain good water quality? and what else...
  17. st3

    weird worm on live rock!??

    i have this worm on my rock that looks like he lives inside a transparent tube that never moves but he does inside of it. he also makes like webs almost on the live rock.does anybody know what this can be?? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  18. st3

    Crushed Coral

    make sure if it is aragonite that you wash it in a bucket first or you will be seeing a pretty cloudy tank for weeks. do not wash if you r adding live sand! i would suggest that you take out all your live critters and put all your lr in a bucket with a bit of your tank water and it should be...
  19. st3

    Crushed Coral

    fine aragonite is the best choice for your tank. crushed coral is nice and looks natural also but will just give you problems down the road. eg nitrates
  20. st3

    lobster lookin shrimp safe for reef??

    i have a shrimp that i bought that looks like a lobster. he even has the big hairy claws . spends most of his life hiding. he also molts to so thats how im guessing that he is a shrimp. he dosint look like a peppermint or cleaner either because he big. is he reef safe? his claws look big and...