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  1. lionguy

    Got Stung...

    and it was only about 3 gals of water that I put in.
  2. lionguy

    Got Stung...

    I don't hink it was the water. I know the water I get it good. Ro/di from water store.where I've been getting my water for a while now.i think it was the lack of oxygen in the tank the did it. At least that's the only thing that I can figure out that it could be. The filter return was out of the...
  3. lionguy

    Got Stung...

    Ok, so I lost the smaller of the two lions. And I'm pretty sure it was totally my fault =( As I mentioned in another thread I believe I got ich in my tank and set up a QT for treat them. Ich was really odd but thats another topic. I put them in my old 55G that I set up. Has a fluval 304 on it...
  4. lionguy

    Got Stung...

    been about 10 hours. Hands still a little swolen and still minor pain but that's about it. I think I figured out why I got stung but I'll post more in the morning. Been a long sad night and need to get some sleep. I think I might be losing the lions. more info in the morning...
  5. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

    Yes, those were gone after about 3 days. It was expected. The guy that I bought all the rock and corals from didnt want them so I said why not. If they lived good for them, if not ohh well. Even with feeding the lions more than they normally get they still got them.
  6. lionguy

    Got Stung...

    So I look at it like my motorcycle... all riders fall into one of 2 categories, those that had been down, and those that are going to go down. If you own a lion fish (or anything else venomous) there's those that have been stung and those that will be. (hopefully not though) I was taking the...
  7. lionguy

    Ich question

    on a side note. I told my son that the fish were sick and had parasites and how we had to move them to their own tank. he then asked if the snails had to go too (they're "his" snails). I told him no, only fish that swim get ich and the SF,snails, and anemone were ok to stay in there. he then...
  8. lionguy

    Ich question

    Ive read much about ich here on the site. Just had an outbreak. Dont know where it came from but I didn't do the things I should have to prevent like I should have when I set up the tank. lesson learned the hard way, never again... anyway. I have 4 fish in the tank, 2 lions and 2 black damsels...
  9. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

    Lions are in got my heart rate up getting them out of the 55 but didn't get stung and all is well. been in for about an hour and just kinda hung out in the corner so far. I think my more adventurous one was discouraged because as soon as he started to look around he floated over the anemone a...
  10. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

    ohh and the heaters are goign in sump tomorrow. The yellow tang went back to the guy I got the reef from. He was hiding in some on the rock as we were breaking the tank down and came home with me but I'm thinking about getting another. The other fish the guy didnt want so I said why not. extra...
  11. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

  12. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

  13. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

    oks o been a while since ive updated and a lot has gone on since then. In my hunt for LR I found a guy that was breaking down a reef tank and was just a bit more to take everything that he had and not just the rock that was not occupied.... So now I have a reef pred tank. Tank only had a 2 week...
  14. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

    Ok much better than typing on a phone. So I don't think I got my full cycle did I? there should be something more than that right? I Did keep in there what water I had from when I got the tank and took over 10 gal from my established 55G and rung out filter and everything in there, transferred a...
  15. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

    ok so I'm a bit confused... Decided to measure my levels on sat (day 6 set up) my lvls were ph 7.8 amm .25 nitrite 0 nitrate 20. Figured all was going ok. Decided to throw a shrimp in there just to help things along. Well aside from my snails going nuts for it it just blew around and...
  16. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

    ok maybe ill go that route. Just get the SFE and figure out what else ill get. something else that probably wont hide most of the day. My son was asking aobut startfish. These should be ok with lions and eels in the tank right? provided its somethign decent sized. ill have to read up on them...
  17. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

    Ok so now that my tank is up im thinking about stocklist for once cycle is finished. I have the 2 adult lions that are goign in there for sure. I was thinking about getting maybe a SFE and a zebra in there as well. If i do that the eels should be ok to add later after lions are setteled in...
  18. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

    These are the guys going into the tank once its done. I just had a recent outbreak of algae so it doesnt look the best.
  19. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

    ok so I got it set up and filled yesterday need to go buy a heater today as the ones I thought I had are gone and my light for my sump went out last night too. sump is making a ton of noise and I gotta figure out how to cut down on that. Much to my surprise when I got up this morning there is...
  20. lionguy

    Tank upgrade

    ok so trying to plan my weekend out and decide how to start the cycle on this tank. Tank was just broken down yesterday and had half the water in it still as well as about 100# sand and snails and all sorts of goodies. I was told that theres probably tons of eggs left in the sand. If tank sets...