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  1. nmoran

    ATTN: RISC...question for you..

    Blacktip: I would love to see some of the pictures of your sharks. My email adresse is Thanks
  2. nmoran

    Off Topic: Any Scuba Divers out there?

    Scuba diving got me into this hobby as well. In Maui I saw 4 white tipped reef sharks swimming around in a cave. The dive master and I went right up to the cave, and one swam out of the cave right over us. Since then, I have been obsessed with sharks. It was the first fish I ever bought...
  3. nmoran

    155 Gallon semi-aggressive

    Yes these guys are right but there are exceptions to every rule. I have a Pocupine in my tank with a shark and they get a long fine. In fact it's kind of funny they seem to be friends. When I first got my puffer he didn't eat for about 2 months. Then he finally started eating, and because he...
  4. nmoran

    New Tank !

    I have only been going to going for Sherman's for about a month. So I don't know if in the past it sucked, but from what I've seen it's pretty good. After I bought a Berlin Turbo on line for 190. I went in there and was talking to the guy and was found out he could have gotten one for me for...
  5. nmoran

    Off Topic: Buying A New Computer & Need Input

    No you don't need a DVD drive and a CD-ROM drive. When you get a DVD drive it is a DVD-ROM. The only way you need two drives is if your getting CD-RW, and even then you can do a combo drive. I disagree about AMD Athalon processors, but that's my opinion. I don't think there as fast and there...
  6. nmoran

    New Tank !

    Yea, there are a few sharks that would fit in a 125. I know the Marbled, Coral Catshark, and Epaulette shark would all be ok, but you should ask risc he would know better then I. You're probably going to want to stay away from live rock or use little if your putting a shark in there so it will...
  7. nmoran

    New Tank !

    It depends on what you're putting in your tank. For rays and sharks you want very little live rock, but live sand is a most so they won't cut themselves on the cc. Most aggresive fish are very messy eaters so you're going to want really good filtration. I personally wouldn't go without a...
  8. nmoran

    stingrays with sharks?

    I was wondering if it's possible to put stingrays and sharks in the same aquarium. No, I'm not planning on doing this I know my tanks not big enough. But I was wondering if you did have a big enough tank would it be possible? Considering most aquarium sharks and stingrays hang out on the...
  9. nmoran


    You can buy them from ***************.com for $189 with pump, so you might want to lower the price
  10. nmoran

    Risc, wondering about that huge tank

    Risc, you don't have to awnser this if you don't want, but I was just wondering about that huge tank you are building. I was wondering what you were going to put in it? Is it indoor or outdoor? Do you naturally filter it with rock and sand or do you have to have an extremly large filter? I...
  11. nmoran

    could this be used outside of a tank?

    It can't be used outside the tank or the sump because it has no other way of drawing in the water. It has holes near the top that the water flows through. It doesn't look like a very efficent skimmer. But it might do the job. If you find some way of drawing in the water to it it may be able...
  12. nmoran

    Baby Shark Help

    Thank you risc, I had no idea it was bad to give them freshwater fish. But I have a couple questions. Though I've never tried it, I've heard that people feed them goldfish and ghost shrimp sometimes. Is this bad as well? And why wouldn't you put vitamins on the food? Thanks for the help.
  13. nmoran

    Baby Shark Help

    I'm no expert but heres my opinion. But I do know your going to want to get a bigger tank. He'll be okay in a 55 for a very short time, but a 55 gallon tank is way too small for that shark. I have a banded cat shark and I just feed him salmon, trout and other fish I buy at the store. And...
  14. nmoran

    power outage almost ruined me

    I live in Denver Colorado where it's been extremly cold the past few days. And yesterday morning I woke up to find that the power had gone out at 6 in the morning. I guess I'm lucky I woke up. But anyways I found that about 20 gallons of my tank where all over the floor because the pump...
  15. nmoran

    shark in 100 gallon

    You can just run a search on yahoo for marbled cat sharks, there's many sites that sell em. There not very expencive. I wouln't go with cc, use live sand. Most aquarium sharks spend most of there time on the bottom of the tank and could cut themselves. It will also help with filtration. The...
  16. nmoran

    shark in 100 gallon

    You could get a marbeled cat shark. You'd have to make sure you had very good filtration though.
  17. nmoran

    green moray vs tessalalta

    Don't put a green moray in a 75 gal tank. It will grow too big. But there are other ells you can put in a 75 gal. if you want one. Just not a Green Moray.
  18. nmoran

    online fish

    I've only bought one fish online from swf, and it was the healhiest fish I have ever bought. So this is a good place to buy or ***************.com. They don't sell many fish but the sell almost all drygoods cheap.
  19. nmoran

    live sand or crushed coral +++

    I had cc and then I changed to live sand, by just putting the sand over it but eventually the cc was showing more and more. So I was able to get the cc out by scooping them both up with a stainer and then shaking it around in the water. The sand fell through and most of the cc stayed in the...
  20. nmoran

    Which is better?

    Buying fish for a store or online? Most of the fish I've bought from dealers get sick. I've only bought one online and it's been very healthy. But it seems to me it's very stressful on the fish to be shipped and everything they go through getting to your house. Which do you think is better...