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  1. baysidefish


    Hi, I have two Cardinals, they appear healthy, I have had them for over a month, but I dont see them eat very often. Is that normal? thanks
  2. baysidefish


    I am so sorry, it is a sea cucumber (I dont know why I titled it as starfish), I have taken a better pic...please have a look...thx
  3. baysidefish


    Hi, This morning I saw the starfish I have has something strange came out of his rear end. It looks like a white duster...what is that? It looks like it is very sticky..thanks
  4. baysidefish

    ~~~help~~~ white moving spot/thing on the glass

    hi, I have a 14g nano in the office. I have two clowns, two shrimps and two crabs, and a few corals. From Monday, two clowns are not eating and breath fast. This morning, I see "moving" white spots on the glass, what should I do....thanks
  5. baysidefish

    Blue Starfish with strange spots

    I did take it out and put it into the tank, but I did the same thing with the other one, that one is bright blue..... it is strange, the one is blue stays in the cave; while the one with spots is moving around... what should I do? thanks
  6. baysidefish

    Blue Starfish with strange spots

    hi, is this normal? I bought two of them today, one is pure blue, one is like this, is it fying? thanks
  7. baysidefish

    Yellow Cucumber

    all the filtration and lines are off the bed, I had been seeing him inside the rock, but I can not find him anymore...thanks
  8. baysidefish

    Yellow Cucumber

    oh, by the way, one cleaner shrimp one peppermint shrimp one Coral Banded Shrimp
  9. baysidefish

    Yellow Cucumber

    it was like 6-7" or so. I have 24g, there are 4 crabs. thanks
  10. baysidefish

    Yellow Cucumber

    Hi, I had a Yellow Cucumber for about two weeks, I could not find it anymore. What should I do? Should I move live rocks and try to find it? thanks
  11. baysidefish

    soft corals

    okay, I see...thanks for the help...
  12. baysidefish

    soft corals

    yes, I just added them, this morning, they look wilted, what happened? thanks
  13. baysidefish

    soft corals

    hi, I have these corals, do they need any special food? Also, ther are some white slimy stuff coming out...what is that? thank you for the help
  14. baysidefish

    water intake

    Hi, in my nano 24 tank, the water is very clean (from distance), when get very close, I can see some white spots floating in the water, the nano came with a surface skimmer, I use that. But with or without surface skimmer, most of the floating stuff float pass the intake..and keep circling in...
  15. baysidefish

    new tank

    They are too tiny I could not even take pic, they are just like white dot... thanks
  16. baysidefish

    new tank

    hi, I just realized that there are some "worms" in the tank, (pretty gross LOL), they are very tiny in white. what are those and what can I do with them? thanks
  17. baysidefish

    Protein Skimmer

    Hi, I have a nano cube 24, which Protein Skimmer will fit? thanks
  18. baysidefish

    lighting control

    chenk this out...I just dont know if it is safe to do it.. if not, I dont mind buy a seprated moonlight, any suggestions? thx
  19. baysidefish

    live rock setup

    will starfish climb up to the rock and move it? since I have some small pieces..thanks
  20. baysidefish

    live rock setup

    Hi, please see the pic of my tank, it is a nano cube 24. I have two questions: 1. do I need to build higher rock? 2. if I get some corals in the future, they will be on the rock, will they move rock? (although I have made sure they are pretty secured, but some of them are small pieces.) thx