

New Member
This morning I saw the starfish I have has something strange came out of his rear end. It looks like a white duster...what is that? It looks like it is very sticky..thanks


Well-Known Member

I see the white cotton stuff but I can't make out the star fish

Are you sure he wasn't eating something?


New Member
I am so sorry, it is a sea cucumber (I dont know why I titled it as starfish), I have taken a better pic...please have a look...thx


Is this the only one you have in your tank?
What do your water parameters look like?
Honestly, I don't know much about cucumbers, but I do know that they will spawn in a home aquarium and they don't like nitrate levels. When stressed, they can release toxins, but I don't know what it looks like when they do so. Hope these are at least some directions to be pointed in to try to find an answer to what exactly that is.