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  1. johnc

    pygmy angels

    I guess I will be the odd ball. I had a coral beauty and I was fine for a year. Then all of sudden it started picking at my corals. I had completely break down the reef just to catch him. I love the species of angels. But I wont put another in a reef tank!
  2. johnc

    Mushrooms closed?

    My advice would be to check your salinity and confirm that you have not overdosed iodine or strontium. Also, what type of water did you use for the water change?
  3. johnc


    I recommend asking your lfs to throw in some extra shells that are larger when you buy your crabs. Thats what I did and they gave some extras to put on the substrate so when they are ready to move they have their pick!
  4. johnc

    UV Sterilize or not?

    I have been told they are awaste of money and time unless you have over stocked your tank! If you are only doing a fish only tank you should be able to add more fish but I would have to agree with the concensus about a reef tank!
  5. johnc

    long tentacle plate coral

    I had to get rid of my plate coral due to it killing two of my fish. I sit right there and watched it sting both of them during a feeding. I wish you luck !!
  6. johnc

    What to feed my Sailfin Tang?

    congrads. on your salfin, I have one and I love it. Mine will eat everything but my advice is just maintain a balance diet.
  7. johnc

    fish waste removal

    I don't know of a fish that does but I just clean my substrate every time I do a water change and I have not had a problem yet.
  8. johnc

    Clown Fish Question

    I don't think so! I may be wrong but I believe it would be like introducing a new clown to a tank with a established one already there.
  9. johnc

    fox face and yellow tang

    I have a salfin tang and a foxface. They both get along fine and even swim together. I have not had a problem with them eating anything they weren't suppose to.
  10. johnc

    colt coral

    I have a very large colt coral with 5 stalks. What are the steps for removing one of the stalks and attaching it to a piece of live rock?