Mushrooms closed?


A quick history before my question. Tank been up for over 1 yr. LV with CC. Added 1 mushroom rock from LFS. LFS owner would not seel rock at first because my alk was 0. Bought Tech-A & B to raise alk and calcium. LFS tested water and alk was good. (couldn't tell you what #'s were but the water was blue on the darker side) LFS then sold me mushroom and for 2 weeks was big and fully open. Did water change 25% like normal and now mushrooms have closed to about 1/4 of there original size. Been 4 days now and still mushrooms not opening. Have been adding tech a&b, stronium, and iodine. Now for my question: Why will the mushrooms not open or if they will when? I don't have a test kit yet for alk but will be purchasing first chance I get. Thanks in advance for your ideas suggestions or thoughts.


New Member
My advice would be to check your salinity and confirm that you have not overdosed iodine or strontium. Also, what type of water did you use for the water change?


One cap of stronium and iodine once a week. Same tap water I used every time with Prime conditioner for the help of removal of chlorine, detoxifies ammonia, and nitrites. Any ideas? Salinity is 1.023


Forget all those chemicals your using and get oceans blend.You can get info on it at use it and only it once a day and the results are awesome.Coralline growth is great and my mushrooms trippled in size in a week or two.


It may be your lighting, how many watts do you have over your tank and how many gallons? My shrooms open up big when the lights are on them.


May have found my problem. SG 1.020 ph 7.9 Both too low. Will slowly need to get them up and that I hope will do it. 40 gallon tank with a coralife 50/50 bulb 20 watts. Thanks everyone.