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  1. rico11mac

    Aggressive Powder Brown Tang

    I will try the QT first and let you know. Thanks a lot for the advice.
  2. rico11mac

    Starting a 55 gallon aggressive tank, have a question about eels.

    I agree with IbanEz, even a snowflake will get pretty large. They need space to move between and under rock, which goes along with my next point of using a finer substrate like sand so they can burrow easier.
  3. rico11mac

    Aggressive Powder Brown Tang

    5 days ago, I added a juvenile Annularis angel from quarantine to a 75g display holding a Powder Brown Tang and a Blue Spot Puffer. The tang immediately started nipping and harrassing the angel. Now, the angel hides behind the heater in a corner and when it starts to venture out a little, the...