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  1. urizen

    Red / Orange Flower Tree Coral..would it be ok?

    I just got back from my LFS and worked there for six hours and he said i can have this. I just read that its Expert Only and dont know if i have the right conditions to keep it. I have a 15 tall with a small powerhead and protin skimmer and a 110 aquaclear hob filter for lighting i have a 96...
  2. urizen

    I need to know what this is!!

    Just like the title says. what is this clearish thing growing from this rock??
  3. urizen

    Big bubble on frogspawn!!!

    That i would also love to know.
  4. urizen

    Big bubble on frogspawn!!!

    Ok sweet thank you so much now i can stop stressing out
  5. urizen

    Big bubble on frogspawn!!!

    Is this a good or bad thing?? is it pissed off? or just growing a new head or something? thank you
  6. urizen

    Great Deal!! Id help!!

    thank you. and yeah its pretty feathery..ughh how can i get it out? can i get something that eats it?
  7. urizen

    Great Deal!! Id help!!

    I just got back from my LFS and picked up a ricordea and 2 zoanthids frags for free. on top of that i picked up a 25 pound rock that he pulled from one of the show tanks that has some kind of polyps on it and a pretty good sized leather coral on it. and i payed 5 bucks for that. what i would...
  8. urizen


    Can 2 different frogspawns touch each other?
  9. urizen

    Id please

    I feel dumb cuz i should know this already but with so many different types off zoo's its hard to tell sometimes. so can someone tell me what kind they are? thanks
  10. urizen

    Can someone please id

    I just looked up the skimmer. its pretty nice ill see if i can find one next week.. but i relized i dont have much room on the back of my tank to hang it(4-5 inchs). the 110 aquaclear is pretty big. do you thing the 110 is a little to much? it filters 500gph. i was thinking about getting the 70...
  11. urizen

    Can someone please id

    I just have the aquaclear for flow it seems to be a good amount. and id really like a protien skimmer but ill need to find one that hangs on the back thats also for around a 20 gallon tank. if anyone knows of one please let me know.
  12. urizen

    Can someone please id

    I have a 96 watt compact flourecent on a 15 gallon tank with an aquaclear 110. I have no power heads, or protien skimmer, but should I invest in either one?
  13. urizen

    Can someone please id

    cool thank you for the help. I have them on a rock at the bottom of the tank.
  14. urizen

    Can someone please id

    I just go this coral today (about 2 hours ago) and already forgot what its called. so anyone that can help thank you.