Great Deal!! Id help!!


New Member
I just got back from my LFS and picked up a ricordea and 2 zoanthids frags for free.
on top of that i picked up a 25 pound rock that he pulled from one of the show tanks that has some kind of polyps on it and a pretty good sized leather coral on it. and i payed 5 bucks for that.
what i would like to know is what kind of polyps they are and what type of leather. thanks for your help.
They been in the tank for about 30mins so soory about the poor pictue.



well IMO...the polyps look like brown button polyps, and the leather looks like a stubby finger leather


UMMMM...I do think you have some type of alage on that rock too....hard to tell from the pic, but if it is feathery it may be need to get it out...scrape it off...don't let any float away


New Member
thank you. and yeah its pretty feathery..ughh
how can i get it out?
can i get something that eats it?

gill again68

Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
well IMO...the polyps look like brown button polyps, and the leather looks like a stubby finger leather

I have some of those polyps "brown button" or at least they look just like the ones I have. They multiply like crazy and are large. I would also agree on the finger leather, we will have to see if its "stubby"