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  1. salty-fish

    Computer HELP....

    Stay away from windows in general. Go with Lynx. Much better, more stable and not a resource hog like microsoft. Plus less holes and security risks., and are very good sites to buy pre-custom built computers. Stay away from Dell, Compaq, etc...
  2. salty-fish

    finally some pics!!!

    Very nice tank.
  3. salty-fish

    The last short of this clip is a must see

    That is so cool.
  4. salty-fish

    NOOO Stupid discovery channel is suing the captains of Deadliest Catch

    Deadliest Catch would be no more without the Hilstrands and Sig. Good call discovery channel.
  5. salty-fish

    I can't create threads, post to threads. I can't do anything under a different username!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by laxplayer50 lol at least im not the only one Test. This is only a test.
  6. salty-fish

    I can't create threads, post to threads. I can't do anything under a different username!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Please send me a pm with the two accounts listed and what you are trying to do and I'll have IT look into it.   thanks   Scott     This is a Test to see if this account is working.
  7. salty-fish

    ETH In-Line heater or Rena Smartheaters. Anybody use them?

    Quote: Originally Posted by acrylic51 I have used the Rena heaters in a pinch, and wouldn't use it as my primary heater....Personally I'd invest in a nice titanium heater or if you prefer the heater style such as the Stealth I would buy and EboJager. I have a Stealth already. Just looking to...
  8. salty-fish

    I can't create threads, post to threads. I can't do anything under a different username!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by smartorl Any reason you would need two usernames? It shouldn't matter if I have 1 or 2 or 10 usernames. There is a problem and they need to address it.
  9. salty-fish

    Should I switch salts?

    So what should I do know. I trust your opinion Flower and I trust meowzer opinion also. I am confused. Ugh
  10. salty-fish

    A trip to Sea World

    I miss Seaworld in Aurora, Oh. I grow up 30 minutes from it. Went there every summer growing up.
  11. salty-fish

    catching a fish?

    I agree, drain the water out.
  12. salty-fish

    A trip to Sea World

      Quote: Originally Posted by VDUB99AML Oh how I miss having a Sea World 45 minutes from home! Darn you Ohio and you're cold winters! I would have a season pass every year to go to the aquariums at Sea World. I hear ya. I grow up 30 minutes away from Seaworld in Aurora, Oh. I miss it.
  13. salty-fish

    I have a new toy.

    A new hair dryer?
  14. salty-fish

    Halo: Reach

    The only downfall of PS3
  15. salty-fish

    Used ASM G2 or new Octopuss Skimmer?

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Really...I have the octo BH100ss...and I HATE IT....I have never been able to get rid of the bubbles Mine produces a ton of bubbles but they never come out the exhaust water port.
  16. salty-fish

    I'm sitting in the Hospital

    Glad for the good news. Ya'll still in my prayers though.
  17. salty-fish

    How big are your Emerald Crabs?

    My crab is the size of a nickel. It is the survivor of 5. Not sure what happened to the other 4 but they are gone.
  18. salty-fish

    Used ASM G2 or new Octopuss Skimmer?

    I have the BH-300F HOB. Love it.
  19. salty-fish

    What is a good lighting schedule?

    You answered my next question Flower about lighting times and coral. My 1 little brown button polyp just multiplied to 2 polyps. LOL
  20. salty-fish


    I want to get one but not sure if i tank can handle it yet.