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  1. xraymama

    What will a Powder Blue Coexsist with?

    Yes we are upgrading tanks now actually to a 375 gal. The PBT is in the 75 gal with a clown at the moment. Those two appear to be buddies. I am nervous to put him in with the rest of the population only because I was told that "they don't know they are a small fish" and will pick fights with...
  2. xraymama

    What will a Powder Blue Coexsist with?

    I have 2 tanks with various tang fish. We are upgrading to much larger tank and wondering thoughts on if my powder blue will get along with a Naso, Yellow, Sailfin..?
  3. xraymama

    Niger trigger and humu humu trigger

    I have a niger trigger who is very docile. Recently added a humu humu with a large foxface. The humu humu became aggressive on day two so it was removed. What other types of fish can I have with my niger. The tank is 120 gal. It also has two clowns and three blue damsels. All get along fine. I...
  4. xraymama

    Yellow Tang ?

    Well, sad to say but I lost him :) Thanks for the suggestions!
  5. xraymama

    Yellow Tang ?

    It doesn't look like slime. It's a white "fuzzy" covering. I will post pictures later this evening?
  6. xraymama

    Yellow Tang ?

    Not going to upgrade for a couple more months. I need life to settle down for a bit first :) I didn't know LFS trade fish. Do you have an idea of his condition now?
  7. xraymama

    Yellow Tang ?

    The 40 gal tank was only temporary, I intend on going larger. I did do some research. Anyway, the bottom is crushed coral. It is a reef tank. I brought is a water sample to my LFS and they said everything was good except for my nitrates which I alrady knew. I am feeding the tang seaweed...
  8. xraymama

    Yellow Tang ?

    Well I thought I did a lot of preventative research before setting up my saltwater tank, but I guess not after reading several of the posts on here. I am definitely a newbee! I've had my tank set up for 6 months now (40gal long, 40lbs LR and 1-2 in of substrate). I my first fish was a...