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  1. ryandefones

    Dosing 10 Gallon Kalk

    I should have said I have used 2-part before, in my 25 gallon, and noticed only a slight difference of coraline growth, but for my 10 gallon I have not started dosing yet and was wondering mainly wondering how to start dosing in general. I just want to see a difference in coraline growth but...
  2. ryandefones

    Dosing 10 Gallon Kalk

    I have been but I haven't seen a noticible difference
  3. ryandefones

    Dosing 10 Gallon Kalk

    I am super confused on how to drip kalkwasser into my 10 gallon and I don't know how much I should mix into my tank! can someone help me so I don't accidently overdose? :) thanks!
  4. ryandefones

    Ryan's (NEW) 10 gallon Nano Journal

    About 1 month now! :) But I am still going over whether or not I should add a built in sump too my tank or just be careful with often water changes... I am afraid the tank might have too much flow from the nozzles if I have a sump. mmmm steady water parameters so,.... I am finally getting my...
  5. ryandefones

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    I don't think it's necessarily hard, just requires patience and all the right tools. Where'd you get the steel base from if you don't mind me asking? and are you using a pump or just hanging the scrubber above the tank?
  6. ryandefones

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    I am excited to see the Nano Scrubber in action, I have been skimming through this and one other thread for the past hour in a half so now I am wondering if I should continue with a sump for my ten gallon nano or mimic a turf scrubber similar to your's Santamonica.
  7. ryandefones

    Ryan's (NEW) 10 gallon Nano Journal

    Day 9! so everything is settled and I am just waiting to add clean up crew to my tank, I also have another ten gallon to start my sump. I have to drill two 3/4s holes in my tank so I may have to remove everything and re set it up which isn't too much of a hassle.
  8. ryandefones

    Harlequin Filefish!

    well thanks again for checking up, and it's been helpful talking; I am now subscribing to CORAL mag, for any additional articles on these little guys. But I plan to keep him in a secluded tank and then will add a neon goby eventually so I highly doubt it'll add any stress in the mix. I will be...
  9. ryandefones

    Harlequin Filefish!

    I have nearly skimmed throught every link on google, and researched all that I could find available online about them. They're very unique I may say, but I was somewhat shocked when I went into my local fish store and asked if they had ever heard of/seen one before. I felt dumb as the shop owner...
  10. ryandefones

    Ryan's (NEW) 10 gallon Nano Journal

    I plan to wait, to begin with, I rushed my old tank and was nearly killed with high nitrates.
  11. ryandefones

    Ryan's (NEW) 10 gallon Nano Journal

    So I have decided that these are what I am planning to own for my tank: 1 green slimmer SPS, Duncan coral, Blue waving hand, Zoas, 1 chalice coral. For livestock, I would like: 1 serpent star, 1 Harlequin File Fish, 2 nerite snails, 1 acropora crab, 1 Fire shrimp(if he fits), 1 neon goby.
  12. ryandefones

    Ryan's (NEW) 10 gallon Nano Journal

    I guess I'll just leave out the pink-.- I just would rather use it because I spent the money on it, and it's somewhat disappointing to leave it lying around,... I wonder if I should go to my LFS and ask for water straight from another tank to help cyle my tank?... When is it the okay time to...
  13. ryandefones

    Ryan's (NEW) 10 gallon Nano Journal

    I made a spelling error in the Bulb part of my blue print lol
  14. ryandefones

    Ryan's (NEW) 10 gallon Nano Journal

    Oh I didn't know! I just have 22,000k T10 tube and a ProPink T10 bulb as well, the only thing is the Pro Pink is so damn purple it cancels out any color in the tank! I wonder if I should just purchase a 10,000 or a 12,000 T10 tube 24'' and zip tie the bulbs together and mount them to a handmade...
  15. ryandefones

    Harlequin Filefish!

    So who has had the best luck with one of these little guys? I am super interested in getting one and I know they are alot of work, but does anyone have any advice?
  16. ryandefones

    Ryan's (NEW) 10 gallon Nano Journal

    Alright well I am still looking, this is going to be my final tank, so I just want to be satisfied with whatever I get, and so far the only bulbs I have had are LED and as much as they are nice, they are alot of money and I am not sure if they would be enough to sustain SPS. I am selling my two...
  17. ryandefones

    Ryan's (NEW) 10 gallon Nano Journal

    I was wondering* woops!
  18. ryandefones

    Ryan's (NEW) 10 gallon Nano Journal

    So the tek elite is better than metal halides? I was how often do the bulbs need replacing for the TEK?
  19. ryandefones

    Ryan's (NEW) 10 gallon Nano Journal

    Day 3! Okay sorry I haven't been on, I've been swamped with school and practically looking up what would be good for my tank everyday. I have come across three things.... :D So for lights I wonder if I should get a Viper Clamp Lamp or Aqualight Quad Tube Flourescent fixture, both have about the...