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  1. jenncurry

    265 gallon and 14 gallon reef tanks

    Gosh, how awful! I'm sorry that happened, what a huge bummer.
  2. jenncurry

    New 90 gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by btwk12 how did i miss this thread, and it has pics! i love pics!! i must say it looks good Thanks, #1 Cowboys fan! -- #1 Giants fan
  3. jenncurry

    New 90 gallon

    Thanks everyone!!
  4. jenncurry

    New 90 gallon

    Thanks Ya'll... Here is a pic of Archie (LMB) resting on a snail...
  5. jenncurry

    Gotta Love this Blennie LOL

    We have both a midas and an lmb. They don't have problems. I found them both to be very passive. I agree, Meowzer, lmb's have such personality. We haven't had him long, but I just love him. ;-) The midas is nice too though.
  6. jenncurry

    Our new 90 Gal

    Hi there, Thanks! We haven't added any power heads yet, so far there seems to be plenty of flow. We had to move the torch til we found its sweet spot. The first place we put it, it was getting too much flow and it wasn't happy. I actually kinda like the established tank look, as long as it...
  7. jenncurry

    New 90 gallon

    Hi and Thanks! We also have a mandarin, diamond goby, midas blenny, and clown. ;-) Here is a shot of our torch, it wasn't fully open at the time I took this though. The close up pic I took of our figi leather came out fuzzy, I have to re-take it.
  8. jenncurry

    New 90 gallon

    Hi, We upgraded from our 54 gallon corner tank to a 90 gal. And just wanted to share pics of our progress so far. ;-)
  9. jenncurry

    Our new 90 Gal

    Hi, We upgraded from our 54 corner tank to a 90 gal a couple days ago. Here's the tank so far....... of course its a work in progress.
  10. jenncurry

    ID please

    Thanks, everyone!
  11. jenncurry

    ID please

    Hi, It is soft and flexible. I thought it was kind of pretty, just had no idea what it was! lol Thanks!
  12. jenncurry

    ID please

    Hi and Thank You! We got this rock from a friend and before adding it to our main tank, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything bad. We'll scrape it off. But do you think it'll be ok? I don't want to contaminate our tank.
  13. jenncurry

    ID please

    Hi, I was wondering if someone could tell me what that is that's growing on the rock? Thank You!