Our new 90 Gal


New Member

We upgraded from our 54 corner tank to a 90 gal a couple days ago. Here's the tank so far....... of course its a work in progress.



Well-Known Member

Oh very, very nice. I bet it looks huge compared to the 54 corner tank. Ditto on the power heads, you seem to have plenty of flow.
I love that new tank clean...all around the established coral, it's such a crisp look. It's a shame it doesn't last and the coraline spots show up. I upgraded 3Xs and I just loved the new tank look.


New Member
Hi there,
Thanks! We haven't added any power heads yet, so far there seems to be plenty of flow. We had to move the torch til we found its sweet spot. The first place we put it, it was getting too much flow and it wasn't happy.
I actually kinda like the established tank look, as long as it doesn't look too un-kept. I'll post more pix as it comes along. ;-) I have the same thread in the reef tank forum as well, I wasn't sure where to post.