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  1. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Well the new rock showed up via UPS. The rock were huge, no smell and packaged really well. Here are a few shots of the rock and a shot of the 30 gallon tank holding the coral and fish.
  2. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills Hopefully this will solve the issue once and for all. That sump looks good, Shawn did a nice job on it. Definately keep us posted on this. Good luck! I agree, he did a great job for sure. I hope for sure this will finally solve the issue. Don't know what...
  3. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Haha, you would think so with all the problems I've had with it. I hope with all the work I could finally keep coral.
  4. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Hello Everyone, I thought I would take the time to bring everyone up to speed as to where I stand with my coral problem. I purchased two pieces of coral and placed them into a 10 Gallon tank for a couple of weeks to test if my incoming water was a problem. The coral did great in the little tank...
  5. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    I was speaking to Melev Via facebook, and we are thinking the next step will be to fill the Glass Box without sump and run with power heads, then bring close loop online, then sump system. To see at which put the system fails and the corals start to show effects.
  6. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Yes they did.
  7. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Hello Everyone, Thank you very much for all of your input in the past. I wanted to bring you up to date and I belive I'm still having the same problem. I drained the tank and removed the rock and sand. I cleaned all pumps, skimmers, and replaced filter sock. Filled tank with fresh RO and mixed...
  8. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Ok, so here is my game plan for next week. I plan on putting my fish into the 29 Gallon and empty my 125. I will put my rock and sand into buckets of saltwater. I will use a garden hose and fill the tank back up and put bleach in the tank and let run for 24 hours so that the bleach water can run...
  9. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by AquaKnight The salinity in the tank is probably good, but since we're almost out of straws..... You definitely sure your refractometer is still calibrated correctly? I bolded "your" in my original post, as I would still really suggest for Shawn to go test with his...
  10. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by robertmathern What if it is online it must be true lol. No not everyone are a scam but you never know. Remember that little trick it works on sand and everything always better to be sure before it goes in to your tank :) Heck ya! I can now give that a shot in the...
  11. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    I thought I would also through this out there. I bought the rock from a Live Rock whole seller, not a hobbyist. They stated that the rock came from Fiji on plane and then put in there holding containers. Now of course I should belive everything I read online but if I recall they had a website...
  12. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by cryptics Another option with the live rock is find a local reefer that is selling some rock out of their system, getting out of the hobby or downgrading. Around me you can usually get rock like that for $2 a pound Only problem with that is until I reconnected with...
  13. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by robertmathern Do me a favor and try a little test. Take a piece of rock a break a piece off. Then get a small bowl and fill it with white distilled venegar. Take the piece of rock you broke off and smash it to powder (sand) and drop it into the bowl of venegar. See...
  14. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by AquaKnight $5 says salinity is through the roof. Shawn, get over there with your refracto and see what it is. I have a refractometer and the salinity is 1.025.
  15. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills I wouldn't go that far. I would think that the rock and sand are really what you have to worry about. If the frags stay pretty healthy than it's a sure bet you can rule out your water and containers. If you do ditch the rock and sand and once you clean the...
  16. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kiefers I agree..... carbon may end up getting a majority of the toxins out. Also, pls try and not buy LR or marine live stock from that web site. You don't know what your getting. Also, the containners, can't remember reading this or not, is it mold resistant? Some...
  17. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Cranberry I honestly think I would just ditch it and start anew. Of course, economics is a big old beast on everyone's shoulder lately, and that simply may not be possible. Are you saying you would buy a new aquarium, skimmer, plumbing, sump, and pumps, the whole...
  18. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Hello Everyone, I thought I would give everyone an update as to where I am at this point. I spent the day on Monday setting up a 40 Gallon tank that I don't use for anything. It's never had Medication in it or anything. I decided to go this route because I have medicated my QT tank in the past...
  19. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Well, after reading over this thread, I would like to add a couple things. One, if you thought it was heavy metals, chlorine,etc. you can add aquasafe to the water and see if that helps (although your skimmer will go nuts). Two, you seemed to of had this problem after setting up this large tank...
  20. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Yeah neither did I. But for actual lab results I wouldn't expect it to be cheap either. You've come this far so you might as well lol. 6 years of not being able to keep corals would have drivin me nutzo by now. I'm thinking if you can keep your fish or better yet, maybe just try a couple...